How he preposes

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(Y/n) -your name (Y/f/n) -your full name


'Good morning baby girl' Calum's husky morning voice rang out from the bathroom. It was weird how he always knew when I was awake. Any time I asked him how he knew I'd get the same response 'I love you, that's how I know'. He walked out of the bathroom and flashed his adorable goofy smile at me. 'You're beautiful' he said softly. I buried my face in the pillow feeling my face turning a shade of red that matched Michael's hair. I felt the bed sink with Calum's weight and wonder why he'd sat back down on the bed. His morning routine was always the same. Wake up, use the bathroom, make breakfast and then get dressed. 'Hey (y/n) can I ask you something' he said in a serious tone. I rolled over and sat up staring into his eyes. 'Yeah' I nodded my head, my stomach turning. 'Do you love me? I mean really love me' he seemed unsure of his words. 'What sort of question is that? I love you more than anything in this universe. I love you more than anyone has ever loved another living soul'. He smiled at my words. 'Okay good because I really love you. I have another question' this time I just nodded my head in response. 'Do you want to be mine forever?'. I tried to get my mind around his question. 'Is that your way of asking me to marry you?' I said with a giggle. 'Oh well yeah'. 'Yes Calum a thousand times yes!'. He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him. Our lips connected and I could feel his smile.


'You're so embarrassing Luke' I said hiding my face from the other people at the shopping centre. 'But you love me anyway' he said skipping around me. He wasn't usually like this which tipped me off that something was up. 'Why are you so happy anyway?' I said trying not to smile. 'It's just a wonderful day'. I stopped in my tracks. 'Its a wonderful day? Babe please tell me why you are so happy'. I put on my best puppy dog eyes and stared at Luke. 'Well I have a surprise for you that's all'. He bit his bottom lip and scratched the back of his head. He knows I hate surprises. We began walking again. 'What's the surprise?' I asked. He smiled and shook his head. 'Please tell me' he once again shook his head. 'Lucas Robert Hemmings you tell me right now' i used the most serious voice I could muster up. 'I had a huge romantic dinner date planned to do this but because you are so impatient'. He got down on one knee and grabbed my hand. 'Will you (y/f/n) do me the honer of becoming my wife'. I nodded tears filling my eyes. The shoppers around us began to clap. He pulled me in for a hug and whispered in my ear. 'I love you'.


The alarm went off beeping loudly. I turned and bashed the snooze button. I rolled over to look at Ashton's side of the bed expecting to see his tired face but instead I found an empty bed. I jumped out of bed and ran to the kitchen. On the bench I saw a bowl of cereal without milk and a colourful note sitting next to it. I picked up the note and giggled at the fact Ashton wrote it entirely and different coloured crayons. The note read: Dear princess, please follow my clues to find me I have a surprise waiting at the end. Firstly eat your breakfast. Love Ash.
I smiled and picked up the bowl. I put milk in the bowl. Coco puffs was my favourite so I ate it pretty fast. I rinsed out the bowl and opened the dishwasher to find another note. Note: Hope you enjoyed breakfast. Now get dressed I've put some clothes out for you to wear (in the bathroom). Love Ash
I walked in to the bathroom to see Leggings, a nirvana tank and my black converse. There was a note in one of the shoes. Note: Luke is waiting for you outside, hurry up and don't argue about the blindfold. Love Ash
A loud honk snapped me out of my thoughts and I ran out to see a Chevy with Luke at the Wheel. I jumped in the car and put the blindfold on. A short time later I felt the car stop and heard my door being opened. 'Hey Princess' Ashton's voice was so sweet. He untied the blind fold and the sight was beautiful. A beautifully decorated park with a little gazebo in the centre. We walked to it and when we reached the gazebo he grabbed my hand. He shifted down to one knee and I felt my face light up. 'Will you mar...' 'Yes I will marry you' I cut him off too excited to let him finish. 'You know I might have said Marinate my meat' we both laughed. 'I'm glad you said yes though' he said while slipping the ring on my finger.


'I like the summer rain' I sang at the top of my lungs. Michael looked over at me with a huge grin on his face. 'I love car rides' I said then continued to sing. 'Well I love you' Mikey muttered almost too quite for me to hear. The song ends and I turn the radio down so we can talk. 'I really want kids one day' he said out of the blue. 'I do too, 2 boys and 1 girl'. He thought for a moment. 'Carley Or Jess for the girl' it was cute to see Michael thinking about these sort of things. 'Alex or Ollie for a boy' he continued. I smiled and looked out the window. 'Mikey a beach, can we stop and watch the sunset?' He instantly found a spot to park his car. I jumped out of the car and ran down the beach like a little kid. I stood at the edge of the water looking at the sun. Before I knew it a familiar hand slipped into mine. 'It's perfect' I said gripping his hand tighter. 'Not as perfect as you (y/n)' I laughed at how adorable he was. 'Marry me' I was speechless and confused. 'Marry me (y/n)'. I shook my head to indicate yes. He picked me up and kissed me. 'I've wanted to ask you for a while but I couldn't find the perfect time' he whispered. Two seconds later we were both in the freezing water kissing.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2014 ⏰

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