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You're lying on bed, gripping your stomach, praying for the pain to stop. Ashton opens the door and peaks his head around, "Babe? How are you feeling?" You let out a groan in response. "I'm sorry you have to go through this..." He sits next to you and wraps his arm around your waist. You nod and snuggle your face into his chest, "Will you stay with me?" He strokes your hair, "Of course I'll stay." You lay in bed all day watching movies and cuddling in Ashton's arms.


"Do we have any chocolate?" You ask Luke, rummaging through the cabinets. "Yeah second shelf babe," He says from the couch. You grab a bar of dark chocolate and cuddle next to his side. "How are your cramps?" He asks, taking a piece of the candy bar. "It's okay... It still hurts really bad, but I'll survive." He chuckles, kissing your cheek and sneaking another piece of chocolate, "If there is anything you need, just tell me." He says, nibbling on the chocolate. "How about you stop taking my chocolate?" You say with a smirk.


"I want to die," You say into Calum's chest. "Is it really that bad?" You look at him, "You're kidding right?" He looks back at you wide eyed. "Imagine getting kicked in the balls for a whole day straight. Then add headaches, cravings, and mood swings and you've got yourself a period." He shutters, "Jesus... That doesn't fun." You nod your head, "Being a girl is fun..." Calum cuddles you closer, "I'm sorry babe... Is there anything you need?" You kiss his cheek, "No... Well actually... Maybe some ice cream would help..."


"Wanna go out to dinner tonight tonight?" Michael asks you. You shake your head, "No thanks... Not really feeling well." He comes over and places a hand on your forehead, "You're not warm. What's wrong?" You look up at him, "Really want to know?" He nods his head. "I'm on my period." You see his eyes widen for a second, but he quickly pulls it together, kneeling down in front of you, "Oh I'm sorry, if I had known I wouldn't have even asked. Wanna watch a movie?" You nod your head, "If you don't mind..."

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