How You Sleep

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You are always wrapped up in each other's arms, his head in your neck, your head in his chest. Ashton gently kisses your lips before your eyes start to droop. But you are determined to stay awake a little while longer so you can talk some more. But eventually, you get so tired that in the middle of your conversations, you fall right asleep. Ashton gently kisses your forehead before whispering he loves you and then he falls asleep with you in his arms.


You always fall asleep on top of Calum, always. He's just so comfy, like a big pillow. Your head nestled in the crook of his neck, your feet only reaching down to the middle of his shins. Calum admires you as you sleep, he loves how short you are compared to him. You let out a soft little snore, and he laughs lightly to himself. He soon falls asleep to your soft little snores, they're like a lullaby to him.


He spoons you from behind, he loves to keep his arms wrapped around your waist during the night so you know that he's there to keep you safe. Luke likes to be able to have his head next to yours so he can smell your shampoo that he loves. You both fall asleep quickly, since you both love to sleep so much, but Luke can never let you fall asleep before he's told you that he loves you for the last time before sleep takes over.


His arms around you and your face and hands resting lightly on his chest. He gently and lovingly sings to you one of your favorite songs. Michael quietly whispers everything he loves about you in your ear, and sweet little nothings. You look at him with tired eyes and smile a bit, that's when he knows that its time for bed. He sings the song that he's written just for you, and only you; no one else has ever heard it before. And soon enough, you fall asleep. A little later in the night, Michael wakes up to you talking in his sleep, and he just listens. Saving those conversations in his memory forever.

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