You're Famous

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"So, you're here with your boyfriend today?" I was asked on the red carpet as I talked to a woman with a microphone and camera man behind her. "Yeah, actually he came here with his band, they're performing tonight!" I grinned at the mention of him. "That's great! So tell us, who are you wearing today?" She asked, seeming genuinely interested. "Valentino, Ash picked it out for me." I giggled at the memory of going dress shopping with him 2 weeks ago. "She looks great, doesn't she?" A familiar Aussie accent said, putting his hands on my hips and pecking my cheek. I knew it was Ashton without looking at him by the butterflies that errupted in butterflies. There was a gif of this moment later on tumblr, of Ash coming up behind me and kissing my cheek.


"So Y/N, since you've announced to being in a relationship with the bass player of 5 Seconds Of Summer, Calum Hood, how has that been?" The interviewer asked, reading off a flash card. "It's been great! He's been really good to me." I smiled at the thought of him. Calum and I met at the VMAs last year and we've been friends for a couple of months before he asked me out. We were dating for 3 months before we decided not to keep our relationship a secret anymore. A lot of his fans were pissed off that Calum wasn't 'available' anymore and started sending me hate but I ignored it. "And he's with you today?" The interviewer asked, a warm smile on her face. "Yes actually, he's backstage." I laughed, pointing to the side of the stage where I could see him watching. He gave me a thumbs up, to which is giggled at. "That's adorable!" She gushed. "But speaking of adorable, you've been caught in some very adorable moments." I felt my face heat up as pictures of me and Calum appeared on the screen. There was one where I was on Calum's shoulders in the water while I tried to push my best friend off of her boyfriends shoulders. And another one where we were still in the water where Calum was hugging me from behind while lifting me up. I cover my face, giggling at the pictures.


"So Luke, we've all heard that you're now in a relationship with Y/N, how did that come about?" The interviewer asked Luke. "He's been in love with her for like years." Ashton said before Luke opened his mouth laughing. "Shut up, Ashton. We've only met last year." Luke blushed. You've had your own sitcom for years and Luke watched every single episode at least 5 times. It wasn't a secret to his band mates that Luke was a huge fan but he thought that you would tease him about it. "We met at Harry's birthday last year and we've just hit it off, I guess." Luke explained, giving warning eyes to his band mates not to say anything more embarrassing but Michael didn't get the hint. "Where he tripped on his way to talk to her and spilt his drink all over her." Calum laughed at the memory, including everyone in the audience. "Is it embarrass-Luke-day or something?" His face was red because of everything his friends were telling to anyone who wanted to watch this interview. Since it was live, you were watching it on set in between takes, laughing at your boyfriend's embarrassment.


Michael and I walked hand in hand down the street, paparazzi following us, as usual. Both of us being well known singers meant that we were followed most of the time. It got annoying but we had to put up with it. There wasn't any fans following us right now because we had just met and took pictures with a large group of them and they were polite and then left us alone. "This is kind of uncomfortable." I whispered to Michael, leaning into him so the paparazzi couldn't hear. "Okay, I have a plan." Michael whispered back, a small smirk growing on his lips. "On the count of three, run." I grinned at his idea and waited for hi to count. "One... Two... Three, run!" We both took off as quick as we could while still holding hands, laughing as we did so. Once we got onto twitter once we got home, there was pictures of this everywhere but everyone thought it was funny.

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