American Horror Story (SPOILERS)

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Coven: "Are you sure you wanna watch Ash? It's pretty scary..." He scoffs and pulls you into his arms as you two settle on the couch. "Please, I have to perform in front of 63,000 people... This little witch show is nothing." You rolled your eyes and pressed play on Netflix. 15 minutes later Ashton is gripping your arm. "She just... She just flipped that bus... Oh my god." You try your hardest to keep your giggles down as you continue through the episodes. "Holy shit! They mad him a Frankenstein! The literally sewed him together! What the fuck is this tv show..." You look up at him, "Do you want to keep going, or take a break?" He shrugs nervously, "I can probably do one more episode..."


Freakshow: You and Luke sat in the back of the tour bus curled up into each other watching the latest episode of American Horror Story. You buried your head in his neck as the clown's mask came off to reveal he had a deformed and mostly missing mouth. Luke let out a scream, causing Calum and Michael to come rushing back. "Is everything alright mate?" Calum says, while look toward the tv. "Oh not this again... You had nightmares the last time Luke!" He chuckles, "That was not me, that was her! And that clown is freaking scary." You roll over to face them, "Yeah... I mean Evan Peters is hot, but you forget all about him when you see that mask."


Murder House: "Tate is so cute oh my god," You mutter under your breath. Calum lets out a laugh, "Okay so how about I go shoot up a school, set my step dad on fire, rape your mom, and knock her up with the devil." You roll your eyes, batting him on the shoulder, "We all have our faults Calum!" He smiles and snuggles you in closer, "If you get to scared just tell me and we can turn it off okay?" "I thinkI'll be- Shit!" You scream as another character is brutally murdered. "Okay... Well maybe we can go to do something else for a while?"


Asylum: "Oh my go!" Michael screams knocking the popcorn out of your hands. "He's bloody face! He's fuck bloody face! The Doctor is bloody face! What the fuck! I thought Kit was?" You chuckle, "No Kit is innocent!" You chime in. "Kit is totally innocent! He has to get out of that asylum... How are they gunna do that?" He shrugs, "I don't know... Holy shit we have to put on another." You press the play button as the next episode starts playing on Netflix. "This is mommy kink to the max..." You gag, "Please don't say that ever again...."

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