The Beginning

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There was this weird dream, that kept disturbing his sleep. Whenever Arthit woke up in the middle of the night he couldn't go to sleep for a long time after that. Because he was usually really easy to get upset, he wanted to get the new upsetting disturbance out of the way. His favorite method for that was to call his psychotherapist, who would probably kill him for waking him up every night, for fourth night in a row.

"It better not be you again Arthit! I can't even open my eyes enough to look at this blaring bright object in my hand." Arthit held the phone away from his ear, until he was sure that P'Knott will not try to bite his head off anymore. Actually they two had gone to the same high school, but their group's smart and gentle Knott had suddenly announced that he will not go to the engineering faculty in university with them, and he went to study to be a doctor instead. Arthit could never be more amazed about somebody's choice of profession as he was at Knott's, but in a weird way it suited him. He was an excellent therapist, not just somebody who got to write prescriptions, but somebody who really tried to help people and tried to get to the bottom of stuff. It was insane what his best friend had to go through to get to a place, where he was respected as a psychotherapist, but also as a colleague of such high stature of doctors. He was talented and smart and really intuitive and this job obviously suited him, so in just a few years after he finished his school he had a real knack to get the rich and troubled as his patience, they seemed to get satisfied too, probably even healthy. He was the go to person Arthit called with every problem, dream and everything that made him nervous. It was weird though, there weren't a lot that didn't set him off. Arthit was successful, talented in the engineering field. He had his small, but trusted group of friends. Still, he felt alone, sad and out of place. He never felt his life was secure, even though he had been many years a department head in his firm and all in all, his life seemed going well. There were two things that confused him and made him sad. First was the insomnia and the dreams. They were connected, when he couldn't sleep, he felt miserable, when he could sleep, he dreamed so often that in the morning he didn't feel rested at all.. It had been going on for almost a year now. It was going to be his birthday soon, but his mind was so tired every day, that he just could not concentrate about anything except work.
The second thing was his loneliness. Sometimes he was thinking that, maybe he was ment to be alone for the rest of his life. Arthit didn't feel better being alone, but as much as he was trying to find a connection with anyone, they never worked out.

"Knott, come on, who else can I call? You know I'm lonely and this dream just keeps coming again and again." Arthit just rolled onto his back and waited Knott to decide which way to deal with his annoying best friend. "Arthit just to remind you, though you are alone, probably forever, I have someone with me, here." Arthit rolled his eyes, what kind on therapist would rub his loneliness under his nose like that, but he already heard Knott heaving his tired body out of bed and to his study, he was nothing but predictable. Arthit knew that and if his friend's profession would be anything else and his feelings would be even a bit disturbed because of Arthit's disturbance, he would not bother him such. "Did you see anything new this time? Last time you got to see the painting inside the dark room. Do you now know where the room is, or where it could be? Have you seen it before? What about what's on the painting? Do you see that already?" Arthit could hear, how Knott wrote something in his computer. There was a long file about Arthit. Knott had told him, when he started to make notes about Arthit's insomnia and his dreams. Not to show anyone except Arthit, but maybe they can later watch it and put some things together. At first Knott had dismissed Arthit's dreams and his sleeplessness, but it had gone on for so long, almost a year, that Knott was as worried as was he also fascinated about this kind of case. Arthit promised that if Knott helps him get free from the insomnia without any prescription pills, he would pay him the full fee for a years appointments, of course, Arthit was adamant against going anywhere near a hospital, so they mostly met somewhere else or talked like this, in the middle of the night.
"No, I don't think I saw anything at all on the painting, at least I don't remember at all, but it was weird how I remember suddenly something about the place. I'm not sure if I saw it tonight, but I remember how I saw flashes or figures. Like moving through a house, maybe bigger.. Some kind of mansion. And at every door there is a man's figure standing, in shadow. He's tall, he has short hair, but I never once saw his face. And he feels cold." Arthit laughed suddenly. "Like a vampire!" Knott's breath hitched in his throat and he was laughing too. "I think this is it for tonight. Go to sleep. Because this vampire crap, I'm definitely not staying up." and he hanged up on him. Arthit got himself thinking, like most nights. Maybe he was going insane. Knott had been convinced, but he was a doctor, he was supposed to react in a positive way for his work not to end.

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