Henry leaves

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*I'm sorry! Everyone who got it red through already, I'm sorry! I was not satisfied with the chapter as much as I thought! So when I red it, I needed to change a lot of stuff. The gist of it didn't change, but the build-up did a little. Hope I did not bother anyone with the new update, on the same chapter. Won't do it anymore! :)

After a quick packing, Arthit had his small bag with him and he headed to the airport. He was so nervous, it didn't quite help, the feeling, that Henry was pulling so clearly farther away from him. Like he was making their separation and his work coming between the two of them. Was it really just about him being old as the world and being afraid of seeing Arthit die and disappear from his side. However he was thinking about it, it always gave a feeling of not being the whole truth.

He got made the check in quite easily and thanked Henry's secretary, who had made the necessary preparation for his flight and also he was there in the airport to help him in anything needed. It seemed Henry had given him some instructions that made him really careful and somewhat suspicious of Arthit. At least that's what Arthit thought, because of the weird looks the man threw him so very often. It even got to the point, where the guy stood beside him, when he waited for his flight and peeked at him really too often. Finally Arthit looked at him and asked, if he was bothered by anything. Of course the guy just pushed his nose up and said, that he was sorry if he was in any way upsetting Arthit. It actually felt as if he was sarcastic in every sentence he uttered, but Arthit couldn't put his finger on it, why the hell would he irritate someone, who he had not met or talked before.

When Arthit sat back into his assigned seat he just thought about what could wait him in Korea. He really didn't know a lot about the country. Not that he hadn't heard about it, there wasn't a week, when one couldn't find a headline in the news, that talked about one or another famous singer or group to have a fan meeting, concert or talk show in Thailand, most often in Bangkok. And of course he knew a lot about Korean robotic development achievements. Especially about the Albert HUBO, world's first walking humanoid robot with an android head. That seemed to be somehow involved with their currently ongoing project. But as much as he was getting into closer terms with Henry, he had no idea how to ask about this. If Arthit was right, then Henry was involved in the Korean project too. Some comments from him, Arthit had detected, made him think that. But you can't just ask everything you think about, it's not polite. It would be called being nosy, not curious. Arthit knew he really was nosy. So somehow, at some appropriate moment he would think of a way to make an excuse, and ask everything he was curious about. One of those questions would surely be about HUBO.

The flight took about six hours, and Arthit couldn't sleep for a second, so he just tried to be productive. There were loads of calculations to do, so he concentrated on them. Thani had sent some interesting thoughts about the design, the more Arthit interacted with him, the more he liked the boy. He seemed to be growing a backbone inside the team, everyone was listening him, when he had an idea, and he really had so much genius-like thoughts. The team was mostly surprised, in a good way, and everyone thought that Thani was the smartest and one of the most important links in the whole team. Also the closeness they all started to feel with one another, it was especially felt, when they dealt with Thani, the way they supported him and helped him grow stronger and braver. Actually Arthit was a bit bothered about the attention he got from one of the other member of the guys. At first Arthit had thought, that mr. Beauty would be satisfied with the new addition to the team, the rebellious, but smarter than most in the team, May. But it seemed like his plans had backfired a bit. May had calmed down and started to work well with the team and for their goal as Arthit had predicted, but mr. Beauty was not, into, her.

Not that Nichkhun didn't constantly flirt with her, but it looked like he flirted like this with everyone. He was the tallest and most handsome of their team. Nobody was exactly indifferent to him, it included both the men and the women, but the youngest and smartest of them, was really too seriously affected. When Arthit was with them, in the same room and shared ideas or whichever they worked at, Thani always used any and every chance, to come and stand by him, to stay as far from Nichkhun as possible. It seemed more than possible, that Nichkhun really liked Thani. Not just flirted with him as he did with everyone else. Because Arthit had seen how he looked at him, when he wasn't obviously trying to catch his attention. Also the looks he regarded the younger guy were shiver worthy, in a good way. Arthit had caught himself on wishing, that Henry would look at him like this, even if it was without his knowledge. Thani on the other hand, was obviously scared of mr. Beauty. Arthit had not had a chance to discover the real reason to that, because as much as he had preserved, Nichkhun never did anything mean to him and though flirting, he was also really sweet, but Thani still looked like a wounded kid. Which made Arthit really protective of him. Also he wondered, if this was related of the truly over bearing and negative father Thani had been talking about.

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