Happily.. ever.. after

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And now. What will I do now. It never had got this bad before. The snow was falling, and it made the evening look magical. But my eyes were drawn to that back. It was the back from my dreams. It was the back of him. The one I missed more than life itself. I wonder if I die right here, right now, can I go with him. Leave together. Was it his soul waiting for me. And then he turned.

It was as if I was frozen. I could not think of anything. He was walking to me, with long strides, from afar. Across the checkered floor of the water fountain.

'In the snow I stood. I waited. It was difficult to breath.'

Anything and everything going through Arthit head was killing him. Why would anyone decide to torture him with such sweet painful illusions. Arthit closed his eyes. He knew that the shadow of Kongpob would pass through him in an instant and he was desperately trying to not acknowledge that truth. That this strong illusion, this clear vision of him would, could only mean one thing. The end of all this, the end on his maddening, but desperately wanted illusions.

And then it didn't. The lips that were suddenly crushing on his, the hands that were roaming over his body, holding him firmly against another, it was really Kongpob. He could only feel his tears cover them both as he opened his eyes and answered with passion and incredulity and true search for truth.

Everyone present on that square were either watching with admiration or they turned away with shame. Love so pure, adoring of one another, couldn't be easily watched if you had not an inkling, or have not had the pleasure to feel it before themselves.

Finally when they had to let go of each other did Arthit really look over his loved one.  Was he blushing more noticeably? Or was that his imagination? Also he looked thinner. Kongpob must have sensed his incredulity.

"Arthit! I'm really here. Never leaving you again." Kongpob looked at him with a gentle smile. His features were relaxed and happy. This was the easiest description. Elseways Arthit would have used something like, 'light shown from behind his brilliantly content smile', but that would have been too otherworldly. They had, had enough of that. So now Arthit just smiled contently, and happily to the one persin. Who could make his world as bright as he could turn it dark and sad in the same instance.

It all just went on from there. For some time still the fear of being alone, waking alone, thinking of this new development as a dream made Arthit too often check if Kongpob was beside him. It took a while to start believing that he was really again there, with him. The first thing he searched stepping into the room was him, the first thing he felt in the morning was Kongpob's body, sleeping beside him. Their life went on as it had been before, though with one huge difference. They didn't have to be scared of their time ending. Also Kongpob didn't have to change his identities anymore. He was content with just one name. 

Kongpob did some big merging with his companies. He delegated more and more to other people, though he never left all the work to others. Habit of working for almost a millennium had it's consequences. But he did learn to rest and take more of his time for himself. Also slowly he started realizing the extent of his mortality. His body wasn't able to withstand everything anymore. They got rather healthy with their lifestyle. Not just with food, but also with exercising. Arthit felt it a good change. They went hiking so often, that at some point he wasn't worried about his fitness anymore. He just found the stamina was building up and it felt great to climb Hallasan mountain at least once a month. Also it had got one of their favorite spot's after the first time they got atop of it. There were 5 different trails to climb and they often switched between the shorter and longer trails. Every time you could see something else and feel totally differently about something you had been seeing for quite some times.

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