Not your choice

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Arthit felt his head throbbing. When he opened his eyes he was alone, in Kongpob's bed. One the bedside table, there were pills with a glass of water. Arthit took them with gratitude. He didn't even think, that there would be a chance to not trust Kongpob. A guy who had lived for so long, could surely easily lie, but still Arthit didn't believe it from him, as weird as it was. Arthit walked to the window and saw the evening moving over Bangkok. He had an empty stomach and a desire to eat something really unhealthy and greasy. So he headed over to the front door, before poking his head through the open door of Kongpob's office. "I'm going to eat, you wanna join me?" He didn't listen to the answer but bolted to the hallway. It didn't surprise him at all, that just before the elevator doors opened he felt him step beside him.

"Just where are you going to eat? I could of fixed you something." Arthit felt a lot better walking outside and feeling the gentle breeze on his face.

"Don't worry. I've grown up with these street foods. From the second I started making money, I ate more in these kind of places than at home. Nobody made food at home, except me anyway. And this moring I wanted to eat something greasy and unhealthy." Arthit didn't want to let his thought's travel in sad places so he quickened his steps a bit and felt how Kongpob grabbed his hand. Not to pull him back or to give him a message to walk slower, but just to walk together. To not lose each other.

As they moved from vendor to vendor Kongpob got more and more flowing in his speech and his manners. Arthit watched him bargaining over some shawl's price and when he had got it at exactly the price he wished for, he put it around Arthit's neck. "It suits you." Throwing out that sentence that was so light and jet totally filled with anticipation. Arthit decided to eat grilled pork on skewers(Moo Ping), they were so tasty that Arthit just could not hum at every bite he took and between two bites too. Kongpob watched him smiling, he ate slowly and quietly. Like a man, who had learned not to rush. He ate a soup with rice noodles and wontons and meat balls. Arthit thought it was ridiculous to eat this on the street, when you could take something easy and tasty, with what you can walk around, but now they needed to stay in one place so Kongpob wouldn't spill his soup. Arthit demanded a taste and added that there wasn't enough chillies in his soup, but Kongpob intervened, before he could order any for him, it was enough for him. He didn't want any more. Which got Arthit laughing. "You're so old and you still can't eat spicy food?"

"I can eat it, but I prefer not to." Kongpob's face was slightly pink now and Arthit got to laugh awhile, before he dropped the subject and walked on with slightly embarrassed Kongpob. It was not just seeing every change Kongpob's face had or how good he felt over small exchanges with total strangers. But it was obvious that, he had no idea how much he was enjoying this himself. Every time, he discovered Arthit watching, he looked surprised and tried to control his expressions.

Arthit had no idea how long they had been out together, when finally they decided to call it a night. As the night was there, and he had for some time ago decided to let Kongpob be for the time being, he couldn't even in the best of circumstances ask him to talk about his past, when he just had done it for quite some time, and it was something Kongpob obviously wasn't used to. Sharing his life with somebody else. And Arthit, as strong as his own past had made him, he was not prepared for this kind of tale. At first he had thought, that there would be a lot of strange, supernatural storyline, but as Kongpob had talked and talked, it got more and more serious and difficult, farther from something he could relate to.
When they reached the hotel, Arthit stopped Kongpob and watched into his eyes. He didn't want him to get the wrong idea, like he didn't want to come inside. Like he wouldn't like to spend the night.

"I need to spent the night at my place." It was weird, as if some kind of light got turned off behind Kongpob's eyes. He was cheerful and happy a moment before, but now the cheerfulness and the sparkling eyes, just switched off. "I have friends coming over tomorrow morning. It's easier to go home and go with them in the morning, not explain why I'm here and in what kind of relationship we are." Arthit was throwing the line out to see some reaction, but Kongpob took it totally without any of the reactions, Arthit thought someone should feel, when one was feeling something romantic toward the other.

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