Henry's pov (part III)

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It's been months, and I still can not decide, which is better. To live alone.. or can I really be as greedy as I want to be? A small voice had not been quiet all this time, it still asked the same question. 'Isn't it right to let Arthit decide, what he wanted?'

It had been a hell of a hard time to adjust to my new life in London. Thankfully I didn't need to adjust to a new name. Henry was a good and a familiar name. The last two time's I lived here, there were other names I used. Also it was long enough time ago, that I didn't need to worry about it much. But I had never thought that living here could be this hard. Could it really be, that all these years observing Arthit and the three weeks getting to know him, to love him. That three weeks had ruined his millennium of composure. He was the man I wanted and the man I felt the most close to. It seemed impossible, that he could ruin my life, or end it. It seemed unreasonable to think that boy, of just 29 years old could be my undoing. 

I needed to be higher than my foolish sentiments made me feel, I was. I really did think that this was the one place and one time I could stay far enough and long enough that I really had no reason, no possible excuse to return to his side. To plead him to be with me. To finally confess, to tell him everything. This was the promise I had made for myself. I promised, that if I can stay here and tolerate this life, then I would not even think about returning to him, before the next year. Then there would be no reason to hold back anyway. I just needed to hang on for a bit. I convinced myself, that even if Arthit does not want to see me in a year's time, then I will surely be happy if I just could see him, even if from afar.

I sat back as my secretary of today called in my private line. It was really annoying. Not the call really, but the change of another secretary. The first I hired had been really competent, but as we were working, there came so many different problems out, that just didn't make the possible future cooperation possible. It really was one amazingly weird coincidence. Now third secretary, more competent then the first two, and really skillful, but I just could not relax with him. I was so ready to do almost anything alone. Though let's be honest, I was not free enough for that. I only could surmise, that the problem was not in the competent, skillful people. I myself had created the problem for myself. No, the problem was really simple. I had been out of sorts for months. I really couldn't imagine how can I be so terribly inflicted by Arthit's brief presence in my life. It wasn't even a drop of water in the ocean of my lifetime. He should have been totally insignificant. Why wasn't he? Why was it suddenly so hard to live until the deadline, without him? The chances of meeting before that were not even probable. If I just stay put and won't move anywhere.


It took him a couple of seconds to process this. Well maybe more. Who would even have a chance to understand something like this. It was over the top idiotic. He and a company's CEO. This looked like an impossible feat. What the hell was Henry thinking of? Was he even aware, that this was something that Arthit could never be. Even after the secretary told him, that there's really nothing much to it. Sign some papers, have some meetings etc. But Arthit had seen Henry's worn out face. Of course he had been in a lot of pressure, probably from a lot more, than this company, but he wasn't the guy to be trusted in a company management position. It took a bit of time, until Arthit could stop his internal babbling and saw the waiting looks of the lawyers and whoever else they were. 4 suited men. Each had in front of him a document for him to sign.

"So, if I understand you correctly, then I need to sign these, and I get to become the CEO of this company and the owner of some share's. Does it mean, that the company's wealth is mine or that I have some wealth on my own?"

"Like we said. This will make you a very rich man. This isn't connected to the company, as in, it's yours to spend as you wish. It was all in the will of mr. Suthiluck. He specifically brought wrote this into his will, that he was really thinking highly of you, and you should use the wealth as you choose. So basically almost all the wealth he had, is now owned by you."

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