I feel like there is no going back..

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This could not be happening. What was Arthit supposed to do now? Well for starters he should not act like a scared puppy, who barks at unfamiliar strangers. He maid a formal wai and introduced himself and tryed to act as if there had not been many twice he had talked with Henry twice. "This won't work Arthit. You do have to act politely towards me of course, but this kind on weird acting has to stop now. We can't make this project as a success if you can't do anything else then be a boot licker. I hired you for your mind, not your ability to make me like you. So pull yourself together and act as if you have a brain." Henry stood up from behind the table and went with some papers in hand to the small meeting table, big fancy leather chairs around it.. Of course he sat into the one that was at the head of the table. "Though we do need to solve the name thing. Just so you know in the office you have to address me with my Thai name, my American name isn't known here. So Mr. Suthiluck for now. And now let's get to work." Henry showed with his hand to the seat next to him and Arthit sat there. As confused he felt, he still couldn't shake off his way of doing things. As the work fascinated him and he was totally into this project, Arthit used the situation and let himself get carried away by this. In a few minutes he didn't even remember about anything else but then work.

When Arthit left the workplace it was already about 8'o clock in the evening. He felt that the evening had been a bit surreal. When they had finished all the work related discussion, Henry had just walked back to his table and dismissed him with almost without a word. Arthit was a bit sad, but Henry's attitude towards him made it easier to follow his own decisions and to move on from the slight change his heart had almost had. Besides he wasn't thrilled in liking a guy who had many different names, at least the same amount of different personalities and he was obviously too rich for Arthit. He wasn't used to this kind of luxury and didn't think it necessary either.

Arthit fell asleep and the dream came into view, with the face of Henry. The man in the doorways was there, without shadows and as clear as day. Arthit was dreaming of Henry in every aspect possible now. Especially after tonight's developments he thought it to be really annoying. As he stepped forward, one of them, the version of Henry that wore clothes Arthit remembered from his childhood. Bowed down to him and gave him a lollipop, which he took, but it was so weird this feeling. Like why should Henry give him a lollipop and what is the meaning of this inside the dream. It passed really quickly so Arthit wasn't even sure if it really happened. As he saw the black colored painting, he also saw the picture on the floor. This time he took the picture and wiped the dust and gasped lightly. The memory didn't go away. It was a picture of his grandfather. What would the picture of his grandfather do there?

After Arthit woke up from his dream and the clock again showed a bit after midnight he decided that it was enough of not talking to Knott. There was years of friendship and Knott was after all a doctor, who could probably help him. When he waited for the dial tone, Arthit was even a bit nervous, but the call connected pretty quickly. "Hi friend. So you haven't lost my phone number." Knott had a knack of hitting the real problem strait into the face. He of course knew that Arthit had avoided calling him these past few days, not just because of Knott's words on the first evening he moved to the new apartment, but maybe the general feeling. Arthit had not been used to Knott telling him, his so obvious dislike about some action or another. Knott was always the one who kept calm and didn't make the situation ever more nervous or dense. "There is something going on, right? You haven't called me couple of days, that means you have either been sleeping well, or you feel uncomfortable enough that you didn't call me and wished that you could handle the dreams by yourself. There are dreams and when I can guess. There is a lot new, right? Can you handle it? Is it connected to Henry?" As always, he got the gist of it almost immediately. Arthit was a bit irritated and nervous, but he still told him all and then waited nervously for his answer.

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