No Henry, No boss

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Arthit went to work on Monday, with an exited feeling and with a lot of nervousness for meeting the new boss. Who like Henry say'd he had to learn to like, but first he would really like to meet him. It seemed that wasn't on the plans for his first day. As he stepped out of the security office, where he got his key-cards for the building. He got a company's app installed into his tablet, which helps with each section rules and tells him basically what was needed to know to survive in this building. He asked jokingly if he needed to take it with him, if he wanted to use the toilet. The IT guy who programmed it and made the necessary configurations, looked up and stared him with a really odd expression.
As he was handed all the necessary stuff back to him, they told him that he's got clearance on everything on his own floor. Elevator will bring him back down also. But he has got one more clearance, seemed, that most people didn't have this advantage. If he needs to ride to the top floor to the bosses office, he has to take an elevator by the end of the hallway on the left of his office. Anyway there were so many things to remember.

At first Arthit just went and stared at his office. He had no idea that the benefits were going to be this good. He had red from the contract, that there were going to be an office for himself, but this seemed to big and well furnished. There was even comfortable seats around a big table for meetings. As he was just walking to the window to wonder about the view, behind him the door opened and his secretary stepped in. "Hello Mr. Rojnapat. I am your secretary, Neen Suwanamas. This is the full roster for this department workforce. I got an order to call anyone into your team, who you think is necessary. This is the list of names for your team and all of their CV's with the extra stuff." She put two folders on the table and waited patiently for Arthit to say something. Though quiet at first, he was really adequate in his work environment, so he pulled himself quickly together and stepped forward. "Hello Neen, it's a real pleasure to meet you. You can call me P'Arthit, and only in the appropriate times use the full title. In the usual work space I see no necessity for it. I will look all the papers, but please bring me the full schemes for the new project I have been handed. Well all the info you can gather as quick as possible. And then let's make it a normal time meeting, at 10 am. Please let the team gather in here, my office. Later we will see the meeting room and after I've made some adjustments, we can set next big meetings up there." Neen did quick notes on her tablet, Arthit was really pleased to see that. Most secretaries he'd seen used still just paper and pen's, but Neen had a tablet and a pen for that. Which seemed a lot comfortable and logical in today's world than paper did. Though he knew that not everyone thought so. Arthit had a quick view over the papers he had been brought and he looked through his own team's background with care. Though a still young, he had still a decent overview about different people characters which led to different good and bad sides of those people. Usually Arthit could find the people who he didn't fit together with, and he could understand almost immediately, who fit with him perfectly, who worked with him the most efficiently.  

When Arthit was sitting behind his desk and looking over all of his team's different personality and proficiency recap, he discovered himself thinking of totally different things. Like penthouses, higher up bosses, and Henry. Nobody had mentioned him today. He knew that he promised to not mention him. And he wasn't planning on, but that made him dead curious. Who exactly was Henry? He felt his heart stir, it was a strange feeling. Because he had never felt the feeling before, he didn't release it what it was. So he just red on and, when his secretary brought the documents of the new project he dove in and forgot everything and everyone else until Neen knocked on the door and ushered in his team. Arthit was slightly startled that the time was already 10 am, but he knew that he could just forget the whole world, when he was interested in a new project.

After and hour of meeting everyone in the room were amazed. P'Arthit had been on the same level of work as them or lower, but now the talk, the plans, the decisions made by him were definitely of a person who knew what to do, how to do it, and he had a really clear sight. As they made a break and Arthit went to pour himself some tea, the youngest of the team, Thanapas came to him and seemed to want to ask something. Arthit knew him, thanks to the background survey someone had made from all of the team members, Maybe Henry. "If there is anything, you can turn to me. Don't worry. I'm looking forward to working with you Thani." Thani was looking him a bit less cautiously, but it still took him a couple of seconds to tell what he was going to. "Well, if I can speak of it. I think the calculation of the fourth phase of the project is a bit wrong." Thani looked so shy and worried that somebody would reprimand him. Arthit instantly felt a sense of needing to protect him. "I told you, you can tell me anything. That's good that you noticed it. You are the first one. Now that you just earned your place as the no. 1 of this team, let's be quiet and wait if anyone else sees the mistake too." 

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