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Arthit woke up wanting to turn, but somehow he felt stuck. His fingers were laced together with kongpob's. Kongpob wasn't letting go. He thought that it was by choice, but as Arthit searched for a sign of Kongpob being awake, he soon discovered, that he was still sound asleep.  Arthit watched him a bit, in his sleep. He looked relaxed and at the same time there was tightness around his eyes and mouth, that made him look older than his shown age was implying. Now knowing something about Kongpob, Arthit thought that his real age was actually seen on his face, especially in his manners and his actions. It always seemed like he was arrogant, but now it didn't seem like this anymore. It actually looked like intelligence. An age old smartness. Sometimes smart-ass. Arthit smiled at the thought.

Well now he had to let go this beautiful man and go and get himself mentally ready. He wanted to know so much, and as an fairly smart man, he needed to make a list in his head, not just everything he was curious about, but also there was something he was obviously supposed to know. And it didn't look like Kongpob was very willing to give him that knowledge. He needed to be smart about it. If he wanted to know even a small bit of it. 

When Kongpob woke up from his sleep, and looked around the room, like he could not imagine how he got there, Arthit tried to find the courage to talk to Kongpob. "Is it your first time to sleep in another man's bed?" Kongpob looked like some kind of guilt trip was going on inside his head. Not about to indulge him, but it was probably going to need some otherworldly intervention, to get Kongpob to act like he wasn't going insane and was not about to run away. "Can we go back to Bangkok a bit earlier. I don't want to be in this town anymore and it will probably take a bit to get back there today, with normal traffic." Arthit had camouflaged the request pretty good. Especially sleepy Kongpob wouldn't get it, he was sure of it.

But the sleepiness didn't last. Kongpob had a way to moving through the morning, like Arthit had never seen nor heard of. It was as if he had so the energy of a 20y old and the maturity of a 70y old. Arthit got, that it was a lot more, but he also knew that he could just put the Kongpob age thing into his own perspective. There was almost no person in this world, who could really see stuff in other people's perspective. It probably wasn't really possible, not that people wouldn't try all the time. If you had a really hard childhood, and had a difficulty to live as you wanted, then how ever somebody would tell you to look how, hard it was other people in this or that part of the world. It actually never worked. Arthit had a saying. When his friends would whine about this or that and there would be an idiot, who would say that, look how the kids in Africa are starving or something like that. He would always say, that who would ever watch farther then their own problems. Who cared about the kids in Africa if your fridge had been empty for weeks and your bills are unpaid. It didn't mean that he would not feel bad about the kids in Africa or the people suffering because of war in Syria. 

So Arthit decided to get to know about Kongpob as much as was possible, but he would really concentrate on the man he was today. When they were driving and Kongpob had nowhere to run or to pretend sleeping or any other kind of evasive escape routes, then Arthit started his questioning.
"How old are you really?"
"Well I could get couple of years mixed up. But I guess about 1026-7years have passed since my birth. I do remember a lot, but even I can't remember every detail of my life in the 11th century Syam." Kongpob didn't say it easily. Was it very hard for him? What will talking about it cost him? Not that Arthit wanted to hurt him, but his silent thought said that you can't keep everything in. If he was right, and he probably was, Kongpob had not talked about these things, ever.

"Do you remember anything about your first home? Your parents? What were they like?" Arthit tried to keep the questions as easy as possible.
"Well, I do remember them a bit. It was pretty easy for me. I was an arrogant boy. My father was selling slaves, and earning big money from that. I can't even think about this kind of life anymore, after living this long, but at that time, there wasn't many other ways to live. I just remember that my mom was weak, and I know that she died pretty early. But it was really so long time ago, that it's just a really-really distant memory for me. And my father is surprisingly strong in my memory. Maybe he really was a good father. But I don't think he was a good person. It took some lifetimes, but at some point I understood how greedy and over-ambitious he was. Though I think he did love me. If one can call it love, when father doesn't beat you and takes you with him to learn the ropes. To learn about slave trade." Arthit watched him carefully. Not jet knowing, what to think about the things Kongpob was spilling, but he would definitely think about these things later on. Now he waited a second before asking another question.

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