Henry's pov (part II)

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I stopped my hand on one of the bindings in the early history. I think I had only been writing about ten years at that time. Thanks to Idn Sina I wrote down almost everything that happened with me, or around me. I brushed a finger over a journal that had a small cross drawn on the right corner on the cover. It was about the Westminster Abbey, the first time it was constructed. I can still remember how hard it was to work on the site. Not just the stones or the building itself. All the drama that was going with it. How Edward started constructing it, how the whole court was against it. I was just a worker, I had no status. My only purpose was to earn money. On the side of course I helped everyone, who had one ailment or another. I was rather selfless then. I was learning English on the side. It seemed a marvel to me.

Everything felt sophisticated and new, but of course, having been with Idn Sina, I was able to look a bit through the curtain. My eyes were not so easily deceived by the grandiose structures or the strutting lords. Behind the door, everyone of them was going on about the how to get to power, or how to stay in power for a bit longer, or how to undermine someone's power. No reason to go back to the power struggles of the 11th century English aristocrats. Though I do remember how it was to build the Abbey. It had been so beautiful, with it's Gothic style of pointed arches, flying buttresses and huge windows. Now it felt so different. All the renovations, annexes, made it somehow totally different from what we were building until 1060's.

When I moved on looking at the covers of the journals, year 1077 came to mind. It was another big construction, which I could witness, though not until later I saw it as it is today. All of the expansions in the 12th and 13th centuries. After that the general layout remained mostly the same, though there was much activity on the site later on. The Tower of London was in the centre of London and were you new to the city or not, it never ceased to amaze me. It didn't thrill me much as a prison, especially because it wasn't built for that, but as a monument it was an incredible fortress.

I couldn't stay in England for long. Some years later I was thrilled to find the threads of rumours, that there was this university of sorts formed in Italy. Though the thought of a new language scared me a bit, but I really felt like there was so much new, I needed to know. From the time I was in Iran, I felt like a new person. The greed of knowledge had found me. I wanted to know so much and I was willing to travel to a new country and learn another language for it. So that's what I did. I had made a small fortune curing a lover of Edward the Confessor's, and now I was spending that gold for traveling, living expenses and bribing myself into the university. The first university in Europe, I had no way to show myself as a studied and well educated scholar, but as I could show my knowledge in medicine quite easily. All the problems that a university students dorm could find, from sprained ankle to penis fracture. Well let's be honest. Anything could happen, especially for guy's who wanted too much, too soon. Most of them were too embarrassed to say the real reason. There were many invention on the penis department, but the thought was probably the one, where I could prove my medical knowledge.

That also made me responsible for the medical faculty for a while. The professor, who thought that. Had a conviction, that the coccyx bone in the base of the spinal column was only on apes. He was absolutely certain, that no human would have a bone attached to them, that was on apes. Any talk about decending from apes, was forbidden. In his thoughts it was blasphemy. And my problem was probably, that I still was vain enough. I stepped out of the arguing students, draw a map of human spine and showed, where the coccyx situated and when he demanded proof I said that, there was no need. That I was talking about experience and teachings from Idn Sina. Most of the student's had already heard of the medical God, called Idn Sina. So no one tried to argue with me, and they just, with strong determination sent the professor out of the hall. As it was possible in the beginning of the University's creation day's. Student's themselves could become scholars and professors.

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