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the sound of the alarm woke eddie. the not very well rested boy rose up out of bed, rubbing his eyes. the morning was dull; no birds were perched on eddies window, each singing their unique melodies, like they usually were. he never understood why they kept coming back. "shoo," he'd tell the birds.

(unfortunately for stan, eddies mom would inform him of the many diseases birds carried and forbid him to go watch them with the slightly taller boy.)

when eddie finally decided to rise from his bed, officially, he gently fisted the off button on his alarm clock. "hmmmm," he moaned, and let his feet dangle over the edge of the bed.

he hadn't got much sleep the night before— dreams repeated throughout his active mind from the second his head touched the pillow up till now.

"rih-ri-richie, stop please."

he dreamed of talking, which was more bitter and melancholy than a dream should be. when edward kasprak thought of dreams he thought of his camera, bill, and stan— not richard tozier. his dreams usually tasted sweet— like a lollipop. this one was sour— like spoiled milk on a summers day.

"oh it speaks now, does it," richie insulted the cowering boy standing beneath him, well, physically.
eddie puffed out a hot breath, and nodded. "what a shame that is." eddie, who had been staring at his shoes, looked up. richie was waving a switch blade around the boys face. the taller, yet smaller boy grabbed him by the collar of his red polo, and pried his lips open. he sliced down the middle of eddies pink tongue, and blood pooled out onto it. "you deserve to never talk again, you fucking prick." and with that he threw eddie by his collar into the concrete.

eddie poked around his mouth with his tongue, feeling for pain. once he fully processed the dream, tears began to spill. fuck, i can't face him today. he took a puff of his aspirator in attempt to steady his breathing.

he got dressed and started his dreadful walk to school. once he stepped foot in the school, eyes locked on him. he put his head down and pulled the strings on his hoodie tighter.

"h-h-hi eddie." eddie looked up and when he saw the smiling boy in front of him, he couldn't help but smile back. "c'mon, e-e-ed-eddie."

eddie furrowed his eyebrows; bill knew exactly why. eddie hated when bill stuttered his name. when they were 12, eddie used to yell at bill, and tell him he sounded like elmer fudd.

"s-so-sorry eddie." eddie gave the taller boy a sad smile— he knew he couldn't help it. eddie grabbed his hand and pulled him into their classroom.

"w-what's up?" eddie nonchalantly pointed behind him. not so subtlety, bill turned around. he saw richie, sitting on a desk 2 rows behind him, talking to gretta keene— the class slut.

richie, who was visibly flirting, bent down and kissed the girl, who pulled him in closer by his hawaiian button up. bill turned around, disgust visible on his face.

eddie rolled his eyes and wiggled his tongue around at billy. "edward kasprak, stop it," bill said and flicked the top of his head.

the boys turned around, seeing that stan had some how gotten into his seat next to richie and gretta. he groaned and moved close to the edge of the seat.

richie pulled away, and looked at eddie. he bit his lip, looking the boy up and down. eddie shuttered, and turned around, clearly not aroused.

by the end of the day, eddie was shaking so hard that you could hear the pills rattling around in both of his fanny packs from miles away.

it was two minutes till the bell dismissed them from their final class, and into the real (unsafe) world.

when the bell finally rung, eddie bolted to his locker, pulling his trusty inhaler out of one of his two fanny packs. by the time he had his many folders and notebooks packed up, he had three minutes to get to richie.

"you're 2 minutes late, kasprak." eddie shook his head and pointed to his watch.

"oh, i'm sorry one minute, my mistake," richie said sarcastically. rich stepped closer, and eddie stepped back, his lip quivering.

richie looked at the scared boy, and his heart shifted. "eddie i don't want to hurt you."

the boy glared at him; this was their only way of communication. richie thought for a split second before pulling a notebook and pencil out of his bag. "h-here. just write down what you wanna say."

eddie hesitantly took the notebook. than why do you do it?

"because...i see your face. everyday."


"i cant stand the fact that you're beautiful, eddie. i've never liked a girl, let alone a boy, and the fact that i do just makes me angry...and i took that out on you."

that's still not a reason for you to abuse me.

"the rocks?" eddie nodded. "the only reason i did that is because henry threatened to literally kill you if i didn't. now, looking back on it, i should of just stood up for you."

damn right

"listen shorty, you don't have to forgive me, but i wanted you to know i'm sorry." richie turned around to leave, but the small boy grabbed his arm, spinning him back around.

eddie gave a small grin at the tall boy standing in front of him. he hadn't realized that rich was pretty much 6'1 and he stood at a mere 5'2.

so, you like me? eddie wrote, wiggling his eyes at the boy.

"i don't know, eds."

why don't we figure it out?

the words eddie had wrote were music to richies ears. eddie was still gripping the book, and richie now holding eddies shoulder. both boys were leaning forward, inches away. when they were a centimeter away, eddie pulled his face up, and placed a finger on richies chest, pushing him back.

wait, eddie scribbled down quickly, eager to kiss the boy with the glasses
i can't just be a game to you

"i promise." and with that, eddie smiled and brought his nose to richies. "you don't know how long i've wanted to do this." richie pressed his chapped lips onto eddies soft ones.

eddie tasted like cough drops and gummy vitamins. he couldn't put his finger on exactly what richie tasted like. mint, and...weed? 

eddie was the first to pull away before richie was pulling him back into a second kiss.

"yup, i definitely like you."


this is short and shitty but i wanted to get something up for y'all <3 even tho no one reads this

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