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as soon as the kids had reached the farm, they immediately made themselves at home. bikes were discarded on the dirt path outside of mikes home; along with manners.

"ah, home sweet home," richie said, and kicked his black vans off on the living room floor. "come on, rich. no messes please," mike begged.

richie flipped him off and respectfully put his sneakers in the corner of the room.

"before anything, we should probably figure out sleeping arrangements," richie pointed out. bev and mike nodded.

"alright, let's go up to my room. i have bunk beds and a mattress pulls out of the bottom bunk." the kids stampeded up the stairs and into mikes room- like a herd of elephants. "alright, eddie you're with richie, and stan you're with bill, okay?" the four boys nodded.

"yes michael, we're perfectly fine." richie put on his terrible announcers voice that he claimed everyone loved. "bill, stan how do you feel about this arrangement?" richie asked pretending to hold a microphone between the pair and adjust his invisible earpiece.

"q-qu-quit it, t-tra-trashmouth," bill got out. "beep, beep, richie," stan said reaching out to poke richies nose.

mike paused for a second and batted his hand at richie. "bev, would you like to sleep by yourself on the air mattress, or you can sleep with ben, and i'll take the air mattress."

"i can sleep next to ben, if he doesn't mind," bev said looking at ben for approval. "y-yeah that's fine by me." ben blushed as he grasps his sweater, pulling it away from himself in attempt to cool down.

"let's do something, i'm bored," stan groans. "w-well, stanley, what d-d-do you suh-suggest we do," bill stuttered out.

stan shrugged. "let's play truth or dare," richie suggests and ben shakes his head. "no. someone always ends up getting hurt."

bev rolls her eyes and elbows the boy lightly, "lighten up, yeah? it's just a game" she exclaims. ben huffs and nods.

everyone huddled up on the bottom bunk, and stan and richie took their spots on the floor.

"w-who wu-wants to go f-f-first," bill asks. when no one replies, bev groans. "you're all pussies, i'll go."

"o-o-okay. tr-truth or d-dare?" bev taps her chin, pretending to think about what she was going to pick. "hmmm," she hums. "i pick truth."

"and we're the pussies," mike says under his breath, and beverly playfully punches him in the arm. "ahhh hurtful, bev."
bev smiles and looks at bill for her truth. " o-out of a-all of u-u-us, who w-would you da-date?"

"ben, obviously" beverly says and ben blushes. "wait marsh-mello, you like haystack?" richie asks and bev rolls her eyes. "alright who's next?"


after some stupid dares had been done, and dumb secrets had been released into the air, the kids decided to watch a movie. ben decided to speak up after the group argued over what to watch. "how about the breakfast club?"

after the movie was put on and lights were off, everyone got comfortable in their respective beds.

maybe three minutes into the movie richie threw the blanket that had been at his feet over him and eddies head.

eddie, who had unintentionally been getting spooned by richie turned around to face the boy. he furrows his eyebrows and looks at richie confused.

"hey spaghetti man," richie whispers, a smile evident on his face. the others males face was a grand canyon of 5 inches away from his.

richie throws the blanket back onto the foot of the bed and eddie shivers at the loss of contact. "ya cold, eds?" eddie nods and the pale boy in front of him giggles. "come here," richie says with his arms open.

he earns a small smile from eddie who wriggles into his arms. "h-hold on," richie says and pulls the blanket back up to their necks.

"how about now?" richie asks reading the brown eyes in front of him. eddie nods his head, not breaking the eye contact.

eddie looks away, a small frown painted his face. "eddie?" eddie looks back up at richie and furrows his eyebrows.

richie brings his face forward until his head is in eddies neck. eddie squirms at the light breaths being blown blissfully onto his neck. "i really want to kiss you right now." the taller whispers.

a very perplexed eddie blushed and nodded. richie brought his face out of eddies neck, and leaned in.

their lips collided like a diver jumping into the deep of a pool. the two boys were engulfed in the warmth of the water they had created by such a tiny gesture.

neither one of the boys pulled away until their air was scarce and the
lust clouding their thoughts had died down.

their breathing was hot and unsteady. not like a humid summers day, but like the fire you snuggle up next to with a good book and a blanket on a cold winter night.

eddie smiled and batted his eyelashes elegantly. they reminded richie of the butterflies he would catch as a kid. beautiful, and graceful.

"fuck, you're perfect." eddie knew he was far from it- but richie could not disagree more, and he was right.

richie loved eddies golden brown hair and his chocolate brown eyes. he noticed the way his tan skin made his  freckles pop, especially when his cheeks were slightly rosy. his lips were always parted ever so slightly, light breaths always pouring out- nothing more.

richie caught himself staring at the boy, a smile present on his face. the smile that was only worn around eddie. he loved every second he was with the boy and he wouldn't trade him for anything in the world.


sorry this took forever and is so ass :/ school has SERIOUSLY been keeping me busy but it be like that sometimes

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