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you wouldn't believe me if i told you richard tozier had an exemplary home life, would you? good. because that is far from the retched truth.

richie walks home, warmth still pressed on his pink lips. a huge smile is captivated on the same face that had been frowning a little over an hour before.

he holds three fingers there, hoping to savor the goodness. he couldn't describe the feeling; he was at a loss for words. huh, the great richard tozier can't think of anything to say. "what're you doin' to me, eds," richie whispers to himself.

when he approaches his tattered house on the end of the block, his breathing hitches a little. he notices the glass door that guards the screen door is open. "ah, that fucking hinge."

he pushes the screen door open, and stomps up to his room. upon entering, he kicks his black converse off and into a random corner in his room. he closes his door and flops down onto his bed.

the boy reaches under his pillow, pulling out a lighter and a small baggie. he lazily rolls a blunt. it's scary how fast he does it—

like he's been doing it for years, professionally.

while his job is shitty, the greens go straight to work. richie rolls the joint in between his lips for a second before lighting it.

he inhales the smoke, blowing the excess at the extremely low ceiling. after a few more pulls, his chest starts to tighten, and his throat burns.

when he had just finished and started dozing off, the front door slammed. "hey, kid! get down here!" richie jolted awake, the screams like lightning.

he groaned and made his way downstairs to wentworth tozier. "why the fuck do i smell weed, kid?" richie shrugged. "have you been stealing my stuff," he asked, lunging at the helpless teen in front of him.

richie cowered under his fathers touch. he shook his head, ferociously. "n-no sir, i swear." he wasn't lying, he had gotten the weed from mike hanlon.

"then why the fuck do i smell it?" as the word "fuck" left the tip of his tongue, he released richie only to swing back at him, breaking his nose.

"ah, fuck," screamed richie. "answer me, boy!" when richie wouldn't give him and answer, he grumbled and walked off into the family room. ironic, isn't it?

he blindly snapped his nose back in place.

another thing he's done sequentially.

after taking a few minutes to recollect himself, and stop crying, richie decided to go to the quarry.


he steps out into the fresh air and a sense of relief washes over him. after retrieving his bike from the bushes, he gets on and starts petaling.

a boy in the distance can be heard; "hi yo, silver!"

he pushes off and takes flight. the wind flops his somewhat curly hair around, throwing it into his face. pieces of the thick locks find their way to his mouth, and he sputters.

when richie finally reaches the quarry, he dangles his feet along the edge.


he peers into the green water about 40 feet below him. after being there for around 20 minutes, a voice forces him out of his thoughts.

"r-r-richie what the fuh-fu-fuck are you doing h-here?" it was bill. eddie and stan pined behind him like lost puppies. eddie was carrying his camera, and stan had a bird book.

"sitting and thinking, is that an issue?"
bill stood there wordlessly. richie smirked and tilted to his head to the right.

"h-hi, eds." eddie waved to the boy, rolling his brown eyes at the nickname.

"why are you talking to him, richie," stan asked in a stern tone that only came from dads and principals. "because i can, now get lost... or just leave me alone."

the boy shrugged, and marched off. "come on, bill. i want to see the birds!" bill rolled his eyes, "coming dear."

bill descended into the woods; the only sound audible was the quiet crunch of the leaves under the skinny boys gray vans.

"c'mon, eddie spaghetti. come sit down," richie said patting the patch of grass next to him. richies face held a giant smile when the freckled boy sat next to him.

"so, ya come here often?" eddie nodded. "i don't really," the boy said shrugging. "only when i have a crushing weight on my chest.. do you?"

eddie tilted his head, clearly confused at what rich was getting at. "have a crushing weight on your chest?" eddie sighed and shook his head.

"if you ever want to ta- errr," the boy scratched his head. "uhh.. oh you know what i mean!" eddie chuckled at the boys red cheeks.

eddie pulled his phone out of his fanny pack.

eddie: you'll be the last one i go to <3

"haha, very funny," richie says, tickling eddies chin, and the crook of his neck.

eddie laughs, flailing his arms. he try's pushing richies big hands off of him, and ends up laughing even more.

at last, richie stops and stares into the boys eyes. "i love your laugh."

eddie smiles, and pulls richie into a hug. after a few seconds richie pulls away just enough to get a glimpse of the pretty boy sitting in front of him.

he leans in and connects their lips softly.


hands rub up and down each others backs. they pull away, cheeks flushed and faces pale.

richie felt nothing but happiness, warmth and desire for the boy who's lips were on his moments ago.


i have so much inspiration to write this, idk why. like i have so many ideas for this, and none for my other story oof..

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