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upon reaching mikes house, the two boys hopped off of richies bike, and richie pushed it to the ground. it fell on one of handle bars, the front wheel still spinning.

the two boys made their way up the steps to reach the front porch. "are you gonna tell them," richie asked eddie curiously. "y-yeah, i think so," eddie nodded. "alright."

eddie smiled at the laughter he could hear inside. richie knocked on the door, and opened it, revealing the losers (minus one) sitting on the couch and floor in mikes living room.

"howdy partners! er, it's a darn pleasure to have us join in ye here posey, i reckon!"

"shut up rich," stan said rolling his eyes. "ahh, staniel, you love it!" stan flipped him off, and richie said all of his hellos to everyone. eddie hadn't moved from the door.

"h-hey, e-e-eddie. come sit w-with us," bill said smiling, and patting a spot on the couch between him and ben. that was beverly's spot and eddie knew it. he gave bill a sad smile.

eddie smiled and let out a deep sigh. "you know i hate it when you stutter my name, big bill." the groups eyes widened. "when the fuck did this happen," ben asked surprised.

eddie looked over at richie and shrugged. "earlier, i was..upset about bev, and eddie came over and saw me crying. he comforted me, and i told him i loved him-" richie almost finished, but eddie cut him off. "..and i said it back," he said smiling harder than ever.

richie could see bens heart drop into his stomach at the mention of beverly. he averted his eyes, not wanting to cry again.

the losers cheered at the news, and eddie sat down. stan, who sat at the floor at bills feet, rolled his eyes, and reached into his pocket. he pulled out five dollars and reached up from the ground and handed it to bill, who waved it in the air proudly.

"what the hell, you guys bet on us," richie exclaimed, scolding the pair. bill shrugged. "what did you bet on," richie said crossing his arms over his chest, trying to seem mad.

"s-stan thought t-th-that eddie would s-say 'i l-lo-love you' first. t-that clearly w-wasn't the case," bill said, and waved the money around in the air again.

"wow, stanny, i cant believe you! you didn't want to bet on me, and that makes me sad," richie said dramatically, and to make it more extra, he threw himself to the ground.

around fifteen seconds later, richie got up. "and seen," he said with a quick bow. everyone rolled their eyes, except ben and mike, who clapped. he sat down on the floor next to stan.

"thank you, thank you! i'll be here all week," he said blowing kisses to the two. "fuck off rich," stan said and flicked the boy on the side of his head.

eddie stared at the pair with glistening eyes. it had become quite obvious to eddie that stan and richie had became bestfriends. he was happy that they got along.

"a-alright guys s-stop flirting," bill said chuckling.

mike smiled. "yeah, i just had pizza, and i really want to keep it in my stomach, ya know?"

ben furrowed his eyebrows. "when did you have pizza? i want some." mike rolled his eyes, and pointed behind him at the kitchen.

richie watched ben leave the room, and sighed. "is it just me, or does he seem a lot more empty without her?" stan shrugged his shoulders, and grinned sadly. "aren't we all."

"aren't we all what," ben asked, stuffing his mouth with pizza as he re-entered the room. "it's nothing, buddy," eddie assured the chubby kid. "yeah, okay. tell me."

"we just miss beverly, that's all, haystack," richie said shrugging. "oh," ben said, his tone a little dimmer than it was a few seconds ago.

ben plopped down on his spot on the couch. he sat his plate down on the coffee table in front of him and stared blankly at the wall ahead. "fuck, i miss her," ben said, tears silently spilling.

"h-hey ben it's o-o-okay. don't cry," bill said rubbing bens shoulder. "yeah, man, it will all be okay," stan added on.

"i-i love her. and i never told her. fuck, i'm such an idiot," ben sobbed. "it's okay, big fella," richie said sympathetically.

bill laughed quietly to himself. "h-hey guys, r-re-remember when eddie t-thought he was straight and d-da-dated beverly?"

eddie grimaced at the thought. "yeah, don't remind me, bill."

"yeah, don't remind us, bill," richies said, and protectively pulled eddie in closer to him. "you see this fine piece of ass? he's all mine," richie stated.

eddie rolled his eyes. "well, technically i'm not," eddie shrugged.

richies face went blank. "dude, we literally just made out, what the hell do you mean?"

stan rested his forehead in his palm. "god, rich, you're such an airhead sometimes. ask him out, dipshit!"

"ohhh," richie said dumbly. richie got up off the couch and jokingly got down on one knee in front of eddie. "eds, eddie spaghetti, edward spagettward, eddie kasprak, will you make me the happiest trashmouth ever, and be my boyfriend?"

eddie winked at him. "oh, my dearest richie, how could i not? of course i will," eddie said and pretended to sob. richie got off the ground and back onto the couch. "and seen."

this time they all clapped for the pair, even stanley. bill rolled his eyes and handed the five dollars back to stan.

"i don't even want to know," richie said laughing.

"hey, ben. since we're the only single men here, wanna start betting on their relationships to waste our time, oh and money? and also to remind us how single we truly are," mike rambled on.

"sure dude," ben laughed.

"ah, homeschool you'll find a girlfriend, and so will you, haystack," richie said reassuringly.

"y-yeah, bev will be b-back before we k-know it, and you can t-tell her," bill optimistically stated. the same thought ran through everyone's head.

i hope so.


tehehe chapter 011.. but this is a terrible ass excuse for a chapter, i'm sorry dudes. on another note it's my birthday on sunday so there's that

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