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beverly marsh impatiently tapped her foot on the gray tiles below her brown combat boots. she let out a small, yet audible breath, and rubbed the goosebumps off of her arms.

boy, the police department sure was cold. she was grateful that bill and his mother had offered to accompany her. if they hadn't, she probably would have bolted out of there quicker than richie when the losers all went to see that werewolf movie at the aladdin.

sharon denbrough gave beverly a warm smile and gripped her shoulder. "it's okay, beverly. we won't let anything bad happen to you." bev gave her a small smile, more broken promises, she thought solemnly.

mrs. denbrough may not have been able to pick up on what beverly was truly thinking, but bill could read her like an open book. "i-it's gonna be o-oh-okay, bev. p-puh-please don't stress."

she nodded and bit her lip. the trio waited about 10 more minutes until a tall, chubby man in a khakis was leading them into a room in the back of the station.

"hi, i'm sheriff hopper, pleased to meet you," the sherif said in a slightly depressing tone. "hi, i'm beverly marsh, this is my friend bill, and his mom sharon denbrough."

hopper smiled and shook mrs. denbrough's hand. "just call me sharon, please." he nodded and averted his attention back to the redhead in front of him.

"miss marsh, you called in a domestic violence report?" he ushers the three into the plastic chairs that were pushed onto a wall parallel to an office desk. bev sneaks a glance at bill and he nods reassuringly.

"yes, sheriff," beverly says with a nod. "well, what happened, miss?"

"w-well, my uh, my dad came home last night, and he, he-" bev began crying a little. "miss marsh if you want me to help, you need to tell me exactly what happened." bev nodded and wiped her tears away with her pointer finger.

"o-okay. he came home last night, and uh, i was lying on the couch. he came in clearly pissed, and he threw a derry postcard at me. there was a love letter on it addressed to me. he asked what it was and i was confused because i had never seen it before, and when i tried to tell him that he called me a slut and he p-pulled my overalls off a-and.." she steadied her uneven breathing. "..he raped me, sheriff."

bill gasped lightly, like he hadn't retained the information yet. he could feel a migraine coming on.

hopper nodded at the grimacing story. "and then what happened?" beverly hesitantly told him what she did. "he wouldn't stop, so i uh, i grabbed a hammer and threw it at him. i-i guess i blacked out after that."

"are there any witnesses that can prove your story is true, like an alibi?" bill looked around the room, and rubbed his temple with his pointer and middle finger.

beverly shook her head. "no sir, we live alone." hopper sighed and wrote something down on the notepad that was on his desk. "alright, we may have to look into this a little more, but i have every right to believe you will not be sent to a juvenile detention center— it was self defense."

miss denbrough let out a breath of relief. "do you need any contact information, or can we go home? this must be very overwhelming for beverly, sheriff."

"a phone number would be most appropriate, but this is a police station, so we already have that." he sat back in his seat and kicked his feet up on the desk. "okay, i guess we'll be going. thanks for all of your help," sharon said as politely as possible.


sharon led the kids out of the room, and into the lobby. "have a nice day," she said to the lady at the front desk as they walked by and out the door.

"y-you did g-gr-great in there, bev," bill praised her. bev sighed. why didn't it feel that way?

"m-mom, can bev and i g-go hang at the b-ba-barrens," bill asked desperate to get time away from his own home. georgie was sick and bill desperately wanted to avoid catching his flu.

"that's a great idea, bill. what do you say bev?" bev shrugged. "whatever," she said quietly. "all right then, i'll drop you two off."

when they reached the barrens and got to their club house, they noticed that the top flap was open. "whos here," bev hollered into the woods. bill cringed due to his head still pounding.

"it's richie and eddie," another voice called back. clearly richie. "come on, bill," bev said grasping his arm and pulling him a little further into the woods.

"h-hi guys," bill smiled when he saw his one of his two friends sitting on a few of the larger rocks they had rolled into a circle.

eddie was standing in front of richie, and as always, he was holding his camera. richies signature smirk was frozen in place and his curls were messier than ever.

"richie, why do you have sex hair," bev asked and raised her eyebrow. "i do not! we just made out a little, my god bev." eddie swatted at richies shoulder and a large blush spread over his cheeks.

"y-yeah okay, a-and i'm s-st-straight," bill laughed. "bill, we all know that is so far from the truth. didn't you tell me eddie knocked on your door and you and stan were practically naked?"

"ahhh, b-beep beep, r-ri-richard!" richie let out a loud, unsettling laugh. "i would never corrupt my sweet little eds here. he's too cute."

eddie rolled his eyes and took his spot next to richie, camera still glued to his hand. "alright, eddie spaghetti, go ahead and take my picture," richie said.

as eddie was packing up his last polaroid in his fanny pack, beverly said something that caught everyone's attention.

"i think i'm gonna go move with my aunt in portland."


shitty ass filler. i cant wait till i can get reddie more incorporated into the story, but bevs story is important for the plot :) aren't you guys loving these back to back chapters?

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