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monday morning was dark and dreary, unlike the day before. "what a perfect way to start the week," stan exclaimed and flailed his arms.

"i know, i hate it," eddie elaborated and pushed the doors to the school open. he looked up at the dark sky and sighed.

bill sighed, and added himself into the conversation. "i c-can tell, t-today is gonna b-be s-s-shit," he said in agreement.

almost on cue, rain began pouring down. not wanting to get wet, the boys stepped inside. "well thanks for that, bill," stan laughing sarcastically. bill just rolled his eyes.

just as the wind began picking up richie ran into the building, and yelled after the boys. "hey, dildos, wait up!"

"fuck off rich," stan grumbled. richie smiled at him smugly.

"why are you so mad, staniel? aww, is bill not putting out?" richie tormented. "s-shut up!" bill pleaded. richie chuckled.

"hey, eds," richie said kissing the boy on the cheek. eddie blushed at the contact. "hi."

"hey, where's ben," richie asked the group curiously. "oh, i think he's in the library," stan answered.

"let's go pay him a visit," eddie added. "okay, you guys go, and i'll be there in a few minutes. i have to pee," richie said and ran off in the opposite direction of the library.

"he is so weird," eddie said raising an eyebrow. "no shit, dumbass. it's richie," stan laughed.

"hey!" eddie defended, and swatted at stan's curls. "what, it's true!"

richie whistled as he walked to any unlocked bathroom. once he finally found one he sighed in relief. he sighed again once he realized it was empty.

he had been unzipping his pants at the urinal when someone came up from behind him and grabbed his throat.

"miss me, pal?" henry laughed loudly. "fuck off, henry. don't touch me when my dick is literally out of my pants, you shithead," richie replied sounding quite pissed.

"so, i see you've been hanging out with the faggot and his friends. why would you ditch me like that, richie? it hurt so bad man," henry said pretending to pout. 

richie still has his back to henry, and henry still had his hand barely grasping richie's throat. he pushed henry's hand away from him.

"leave me the fuck alone henry, seriously. my dick is still out!"

"i don't give a shit," henry boomed.

richie found himself growing more and more pissed. "you're gonna give a shit when i turn around and use you as my urinal."

henry laughed again and leaned in close to richie's ear. "you wouldn't dare," he whispered mockingly.

richie zipped his pants up and sighed. "seriously, henry. what do you want man?" richie turned and faced henry.

"how do you do it?" henry whispered. richie raised his eyebrow at the boy standing at almost the same height as him.

this totally wasn't what he was expecting.

he observed henry quickly. his scruffy, blonde mullet looked like it hadn't been washed in days. his jaw was purple, which meant he had probably been arguing with his dad again.

"do what, henry?" richie asked. henry looked down at the floor, and shrugged. he focused on tracing the tiles with his boots.

"be yourself. ya know, have real friends." henry looked up at richie. "i know i'm probably the last person you want to be talking to, but i need to know."

richie sighed. "just be yourself, hen. remember, i know the real you, and this isn't you."

"you don't know what you're talking about, this is me," henry snapped back quickly.

"dude, we were bestfriends for years. you think i don't know you?"

henry moved closer to richie. "what if i don't want you to know me?"

"but i d-" richie started to say, when victor cross walked into the bathroom.

"hey man wh- whoa. why are you talking to him?"

henry panicked and looked at richie in disgust. "get the fuck off of me, you fag!" he shoved richie away from him and chuckled.

richie just laughed dryly. "i can't believe i was going to help you," he sighed glumly. "bye, henry. tell your daddy i said hi."

henry swallowed as he watched richie strut out of the bathroom.

"you know what? fuck that," richie yelled and stormed back into the bathroom.

henry looked up at the boy walking to him at a high speed. "what, tras-" henry was cut off by richie punching him in the jaw.

"you no good, piece of shit," he screamed and punched him again. old wounds re-opened on his fists.

"what the fuck, tozier! you're gonna pay for this," henry spat, and punched richie square in the nose.

richie bit back a scream, and punched henry somewhere in his face twice as hard. he couldn't tell if it was his eye or his nose, but he figured it out when he heard a small crack.

"now you're gonna get it you fucking prick!" henry was mad. richie laughed a little.

"oh, so this is funny," henry said hoisting richie up by his collar and pressing him against the wall. "yes, actually. it's very funny, bowers."

henry reached into his back pocket, and  flipped open a switch blade. he softly pressed it to richie's jawline. "don't make me, tozier."

"henry, you don't have the balls to stand up to your father, so what makes you think you could cut me?" richie laughed.

"fuck you, tozier." henry threw richie to the floor. richie just laughed again. "gladly. since i am a faggot, right?"

henry stared at richie blankly, and victor snickered. "say something, henry."

richie smiled sadly. "yeah, that's what i thought. have fun in here boys." richie winked and left the bathroom.

his nose had bled all over his shirt, but he could care less. he cared about getting to the library, and seeing his friends.

they had grilled him about his bloody shirt, and he told them everything.

"that bowers never learns," stan said shaking his head. richie shrugged. "fuck him, he won't do anything. he's a bitch."

eddie trembled a bit at the thought. "he's insane, and will do anything if it hurts us. never assume you're safe, especially in derry."

bill nodded. "eddie i-is r-ri-right. he's c-crazy!"

"we just have to be smart about it," ben said tonelessly.

"just stay out of his way. that goes for all of us, especially you eddie." richie looked amongst the group. "promise we'll all watch out for him? i don't want him to pull that blade out again." richie sighed.



sorry this sucks but i haven't updated in almost 3 months wtf

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