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after richies encounter with henry , henry had decided to steer clear of richie and all of the other losers for that matter.

everyone was at bills house , doing everything imaginable. ben was reading. mike , stan and richie were playing cards. bill and eddie were just relaxing.

"h-h-how'd you d-do on that math t-tuh-test , eddie?" bill asked. "i got a 93," eddie stated proudly. "how'd you do?" bill bit his painted nails. "84," he said and shrugged.

eddie watched his hands , and his face lit up. "bill , can i borrow that color?"  

bill shrugged. "sure , keep it." it was a lavender color that eddie had absolutely adored. he smiled.

"you can't stack plus fours and plus twos , richie!"

"calm down , staniel. jesus christ , are you sexually frustrated or something?" richie asked. "bill , come here and give the man some ass," he said and chuckled.

"n-not funny!" bill stuttered out. "oh , yeah stanny! right there," richie moaned out. "s-s-stop!" bill said. his face was visibly red.

"richie , stop being annoying for a second , and come here and sit with me." eddie smiled. "fine , but only because stan is a sore loser," richie teased.

stan rolled his eyes , and flipped richie off. "oh stan , i'm hurt." richie pretended to clutch his heart. ben and mike rolled their eyes at the four.

"don't worry stan , your attitude is what makes you so..." he paused. "chuckalicious." he plopped down next to eddie.

"beep beep , trashmouth!" stan exclaimed. eddie rolled his eyes as richies head fell back onto his stomach. eddie looked down and smiled at richies head of hair.

man , oh man , did edward kasprak LOVE richie's hair. it was a thick , brown mop full of  wild curls that couldn't be tamed. richie had given up trying , for the mess would just be back within an hour. eddie ran his fingers through it , and scratched gently at the scalp.

richie purred in response. "so nice , eds." richie shot up quickly , and grabbed eddies hand , pulling him off of the couch. "cmon , eds."

"w-where are y-y-you guys going?" bill asked. "beats me." eddie said and shrugged as richie pulled him out the door.

it wasn't a cold evening in derry but it certainly wasn't warm. there was a slight breeze that pricked the nape of eddies neck , giving him goosebumps. still hand in hand , eddie and richie ran down the sidewalk for minutes.

"where are we going , richie?" eddie groaned loudly , and richie came to a stop. "here we are my eddie spaghetti." richie smiled.

eddie was face to face with an ice cream shop. "scoops ahoy? is this new?" eddie furrowed his eyebrows. he couldn't recall the place.

"nope , it's been here for years , eds." he grinned at eddie. "cmon let's go in!"

eddie laughed as richie rocked back and forth on his heels. he motioned his head towards the door and smiled as richie dragged him in.

eddie thought it was adorable to see how excited richie got. "what do you want eds?" eddie put on a poker face. "don't call me that. but i'd greatly appreciate a vanilla milkshake with whipped cream."

the boys sat in a booth and laughed for some time. "hurry up and finish , eds. there's somewhere else i want to take you."

eddie tilted his head. before he could say anything , richie placed his finger over eddies lips. "don't worry your pretty little head , you'll love it!"

eddie pushed himself out of the booth and grinned. "okay , lets go."

richie led him down the sidewalk , and thorough the woods. "why are we at the quarry , richie?"

richie exhaled. "right here. this exact spot is where we had our first real kiss."

eddie blushed softly , and richie could just barely make it out under the moonlight.

"eds , i love you so much. dance with me."

"but there's no mus-" eddie began , but was cut off to the sound of a button being pressed on a walkman.

girl, close your eyes
let that rhythm get into you
don't try to fight it
there ain't nothing that you can do
relax your mind
lay back and groove with mine
you gotta feel that heat
and we can ride the boogie
share that beat of love

eddie smiled at the song. the boys began dancing under the moonlight. "richie?" eddie looked up at richie. "hmmm eds?"

"i love you. i know you know this already , but i feel the need to remind you twenty four hours a day , seven days a week. i just need to know that you know how important you are to me , and how much i care about you."

a tear fell from richies brown eyes. "eddie , i love you more than you'll ever know." and it was true. richie was smitten with the boy.

eddie leaned into richie and sighed deeply. "your heart is going a mile a minute, rich. you okay?"

"never better , eds. i swear , it's never been better." richie smiled for the hundredth time.

"our first dance." eddie pointed out. "first of many." richie spun eddie around and hugged him from behind , his hips swaying along to the beat of the song.

richie wanted to stay here forever. forever wasn't promised , but now was. now was forever.

eddie turned around and connected their lips. richie could feel eddies tongue dance against his own.

he didn't know kissing someone could feel this amazing. he didn't know kissing a boy could feel this amazing. hell , he didn't know kissing eddie could feel this amazing.

suddenly nothing mattered. richies dad didn't matter. nor eddies mom. beverly. the losers. nothing. the only thing that mattered were the two boys cozied up under the sliver of moonlight that remained between the evergreens.

the song suddenly stopped , and eddie giggled. "t-thank you , rich."

"for what eds?" richie raised an eyebrow. "for showing me how to love , and be loved."

and yeah , maybe this wouldn't last forever. but richie would be forever grateful for this. this was his forever ; his infinity.

he was grateful for this infinity.


this sucks , and it's EXTREMELY short. but i'm sorry about not updating , oml. i literally suck at writing😭.

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