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when eddie strutted into his house on the cool sunday afternoon, sonia nearly had a fit.

her eyes widened, and she put down the light pink nail polish bottle she was about to open. she got up from her recliner quickly and squeezed eddie until he felt like one of his lungs was going to pop.

"oh, my precious eddie! why didn't you text me? where did you stay?" she was still hugging him, swaying from left to right. he pushed her off of him lightly.

he opened his mouth to talk, but just shrugged instead. he knew his mother would go nuts if she knew that he started to talk again.

"well, did you stay at bills?" eddie nodded, and rolled his eyes. he absolutely hated lying, but he hated getting yelled at more.

"did you take your pills? all twelve of them, eddie dearest?" again, eddie nodded in annoyance.

she scanned her son from top to bottom. "eddie bear, go put a sweatshirt on. you know how fast you get si-"

eddie was tired of staying quiet. "alright mom, jesus! i'm not five," he scolded sonia. the large woman's jaw hung open- not just because of the sudden out burst, but because her son was talking.

"oh my god, edward! you're talking again," she yelled, and embraced him once more. "yeah, mom i am. now please get off of me," he said quietly.

she dug her fingers into his sides, irritating him more than before. "ma, please get off. you're hurting me," he whimpered.

this only made her grasp his sides tighter, provoking the living shit out of him. "i said get off!"

he shoved her a bit, causing her to stumble backwards, and fall to the ground.

she gasped, and looked up at him. "how dare you put hands on your mother," she said in a low, yet audible voice. "after all you've put me through-"

eddie laughed dryly, his sides aching. "what i put you through? grow up, and get over yourself. all you do is hover over me, and treat me like a six year old, you abusive fuck!"

"you don't know what you're talking about. you don't mean that, eddie bear," sonia stated in a shaky voice.

he scoffed at her. "do you think i'm that dumb? i know i don't need these pills. i know they're placebos, ma. i am not sick."

"you are sick, eddie," she snapped back, and grabbed eddies wrist. "you are very sick, and i'm going to make you better." she squeezed it tighter with every word.

"you're only making it worse! i fucking hate you." he pulled his arm away quickly.

her eyes watered a bit at the oh so harsh words, and eddie looked away. he knew his mother was basking in her own stupidity and self pitty, but his eyes still softened at the woman. he knew he meant every word, but he couldn't bear to see her like that. "i'm sorry, mommy. i didn't me-"

sonia cut him off with a sigh. "go to your room, edward. we will not continue this conversation any further."

"mom, i'm sixteen, you can't just tell me what to do anymore!"

she laughed menacingly, and lunged forward at him, smacking him across the face. once she realized what she had done, she quickly brought her hands over her mouth; yet her eyes showed no regret.

"god damn it, edward! look what you made me do!" eddie looked up at the woman. "w-what? how is this my fault? you're the one who takes advantage of me every chance you fucking get! it's not my fault you push everyone who isn't dad away," he whispered the last part solemnly.

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