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TRIGGER WARNING: mentions and brief description of rape. if you are uncomfortable read to and after the    [ B O L D ]
also, please know if you or anyone you know is going through this, speak up. i know it may be extremely difficult, but your safety is important to me and everyone <3 i love you all, thank you for reading! -ari

a sleep deprived richie knew it was somewhat close to ten minutes past five in the morning when he glanced up at the sky.

the sun was just rising behind the horizon, and richie had a perfect view of it from his window. he was never the type to be mesmerized by external beauty— yet he couldn't look away from the sea of clouds that clustered in front of the shades of oranges and purples.

richie was never the type to be mesmerized by external beauty. so he thought until all of the birds sang the name of eddie kasprak.

richie chuckled, as the golden sky made him think of a book he had read in the seventh grade. times were so simple then.

richie rubbed his eyes, and rolled over on his side, hoping and praying to at least get a little sleep. he knew there was no such luck when he heard a knock on his window.

"who the fuck is up- no, actually who the fuck is knocking on my window at five in the fucking morning?" he whispered, sighing quickly after.

richie reached over to his nightstand and waited for his fingers to come in contact with his huge glasses. when they finally did, and his eyes adjusted, he took a glance at the window.

his eyes widened when he saw a beaten beverly marsh. he jumped off of his bed and lunged at the window. he threw it open quickly and ushered the red head inside.

richie took a good, quick look at his friend.

dried blood was in the girls hairline and descended down onto her forehead. it stuck strands of her hair together. beverly's knuckles were ripped and her knees were shredded.

her floral overalls were torn, and her white undershirt was covered in blood, and what appeared to be dirt.

"oh my god bev, what happened? are you alright? did he do this because beverly marsh i swear to go-" richie began rambling.

r-richie," she began, sobbing into the tall boys chest. "i-i-i," she broke down harder. "it's okay bev," he soothed her. "you don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

she shook her head and wiped her nose on her bare arm. "n-no, i need to," she whispered still between sobs. "i killed him, rich. i killed my father," beverly admitted, more or less as her voice was just barely audible enough for richie to hear.

richies eyes widened and his hands shot to his mouth. "oh my god, bev," he said from behind his palms. he dropped his hands to his middle and fiddled with his thumbs.

"come into the bathroom with me, and i'll fix you up. you can tell me then." she nodded and followed richie into the bathroom across the hall.

"sit here," he said dropping the toilet seat down. "now what happened bev, and remember i need to know everything that happened. she let out a deep, shaky breath and nodded.

richie fumbled around under the sink for a few seconds before he found the first aid kit. "so dad, uh he came home from work, and i was lying on the couch watching tv. i had dinner made for him as always.."

richie nodded, just barely paying attention as he wiped the blood off of her knees, knuckles and face.

"...i was l-leading him to the table when he shoved me back onto the couch..."

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