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you all wanted it , so here😘.

the boys looked up , their jaws nearly dropped down to their toes.

"careful , you'll catch flies." bevs light voice said with a small laugh. the boys scrambled to get out of the water.

"stay down there , and watch out below!" bev said as she unbuttoned her dress , revealing a light pink bikini. ben blushed softly and watched the girl jump down and plunge into the water.

"timber!" mike yelled , and jumped down right after. the group laughed at him.

"hey you guys." beverly smiled a huge smile. the group tackled her at once. "oh my god , i missed you so much!" richie exclaimed. the whole group was close to crying.

bev laughed , and hugged them one by one. last was ben. "i missed you , benny." she whispered into his ear as she embraced him softly.

although she couldn't see it , ben was smiling from ear to ear. his face was warm , and cheeks flushed. he let go of her and she flipped her wet hair out of her eyes. it was a little longer now , just slightly curling over her shoulders.

there was no denying it ; the girl was gorgeous. despite it being early june , her tan was evident , and the freckles on her face darker than usual. her bright green eyes shone brightly.

richie broke the silence. "mikey , my main man!" richie said bringing mike into a hug. "what do you want rich?" mike rolled his eyes and laughed.

"got a smoke?" richie asked giddily. "that shit will kill you , you know." eddie stated.

"don't you worry your pretty little spaghetti head about me." richie said as he booped eddies nose. "besides , no one has ever died from marry-ju-wanna , eds!"

eddie rolled his eyes. "don't call me that." richie laughed. "you love it." he said ruffling eddies hair. "no i don't." eddie mumbled.

mike head motioned up to the oak tree. "i have all the fixings , don't you worry kiddo." mike said slapping richies back. "comin , marsh? you are our best roller after all." richie said , and the girl followed.

"our little potheads." eddie said laughing. "i wonder what it's like." stan asked curiously. "w-wanna try?" bill asked. eddies eyes widened. "you're all gonna die on me , and then i'll be all alone , and i'll be a loser for sure!"

stan rolled his eyes. "we aren't gonna die from one hit , eddie."

"how do you know? you've never done it. and you're supposed to be smart and sensible , stanley! i cant belie-"

bill cut eddie off with a laugh. "f-fine , eddie. w-we won't try i-it."

ben rolled his eyes at his friends. "you guys are a bunch of disphits." eddie giggled. "thank you ben. but anyways , when are you gonna do it?"

"do what?" ben asked. "a-ask her o-o- shit!" bill tried to stutter his sentence out. "out." stan finished for his boyfriend. "he wants to know when you're gonna ask beverly out."

ben sighed. "maybe when i become less dorky , and lose a couple of pounds." he shrugged. "dude , how can you not see how much she loves you?" stan asked. ben raised an eyebrow. "how did you come to this conclusion?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2019 ⏰

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