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"c'mon, mike, the waters nice," richie called up to mike who was sitting on one of the rocks that surrounded the cliffs at the quarry. "no thanks, rich, i'm fine."

richie rolled his eyes and turned back to eddie, only to be splashed. "hey, what was that for, eds!"

eddie grinned, and shrugged his shoulders. it was a saturday, and richie had somehow convinced sonia to let eddie come swimming.

richie had spend most of the time admiring eddie and his smile. eddie had somehow managed to get tan despite the shade.

richie watched eddie fondly as he splashed around with beverly and bill. "s-stop eddie! y-y-you got wa-water in my n-nose."

"hey eds," richie called out. "i'm getting out to hang with mike, but i'll be back in the water in a few minutes." eddie nodded in agreement and went back to his breathing competition with stan.

richie climbed up the small hill and worked his way to the other side of the cliff. "hey homeschool, you got the stuff?"

"all right here, man." mike held up 2 small baggies and a ziplock bag with brown contents in it.

"ahh, you're a live saver," rich said in admiration. mike handed him a baggie and the ziplock bag after pulling out a piece of paper for himself.

"so," richie said as he poured the greens out, "where do you even get this shit?"

mike shrugged. "i live on a farm, man. i grow it." richie furrowed his eyebrows. "and your parents don't care?"

mike looked down, "my parents died in a fire when i was younger. it's just me and my grandfather now."

"i'm sorry for-" richie was cut off by mike. "don't worry about it, you didn't know." richie nodded and finished
rolling his blunt.

the boys sat in silence, puffing in smoke every now and again. once richie half finished his blunt, he sighed.

"i don't think it's smart to get into the water right now, mikey."

mike shrugged, "go get the losers, and we can all hang at my place, and watch movies."

"bever-ly, billiam, stan the man, haystack, and eddie spaghetti, let's go!"

"where are we off to now trashmouth," bev taunted, emphasizing the word now.

"oye, we're heading off to mikes house to roll around in the cow shit," richie said in a terrible british accent.

the losers rolled their eyes, and climbed out of the water. they each grabbed a makeshift towel that ben had cut out of some type of flannel. (and eddie grabbed his fanny pack.)

"here ya go, beverly," ben said to her as she went to grab her towel. a large blush was spread across his cheeks; it was evident he had a crush on the spunky red head. bill liked her back in the day too- until he met stan.

"so guys, i was thinking we could all watch movies and shit. who wants to sleep over?" a chorus of "me's" were heard throughout the group.

richie, who was standing next to eddie, looked at the boy waiting for an answer.

"would you like to come, eds?" eddie shrugged. he knew his mom wouldn't let him.

richie looked up at the group. "we have to ask his mom." stan sighed. "it would probably be better if just me, bill and richie went and asked."

they knew she would throw reasons of why he couldn't go at them left and right. beverly was a girl, ben didn't meet her physical expectation of a teenage boy, and mike.. well, he was black.

bev sighed, having dealt with sonia before. "alright, we'll all bike to eddies, and the three of us will wait on the side of the house, sound good eddie?" eddie nodded in agreement.

once they were all on their bikes (richie doubling with with bill) they began biking to eddies house. 

when they got there, bev, bill and mike rode to the side of the house where they couldn't be seen. the other four strutted into eddies house. eddie pointed in the general direction of the living room.

at this time sonia was usually parked in their la-Z-boy knitting or watching some odd game show.

"hi ms. k," stan said to the women as they entered the living room. today she was knitting what appeared to be a blanket. "hi boys, hi eddie bear," sonia greeted politely. this shocked not only eddies friends, but him as well.

"w-we were w-wondering if e-e-eddie could s-sleepover." sonia raised an eyebrow. "at who's house?" bill started to say mikes, but stan quickly cut him off. "my house, ms. k."

sonia sighed. "only if you promise to take your medicine," she quickly gasped after getting a good look at eddie who was only in a tiny swimsuit. "and good god, edward, you know better! put on a shirt before you catch a cold." richie snickered, and eddie punched his arm.

eddie led the boys to his room. he opened his closet, and jumped up to reach a duffle bag on the top shelf.

when he realized he couldn't get it, he looked at richie."aww little eds," richie said, and again resulted with yet another punch in the arm. this time stan and bill snickered at the pair.

once richie had retrieved the bag for eddie, he had grabbed a t-shirt and sweatpants for bed, his notebook, his phone, and camera.

he threw on a t-shirt, and slugged an extra pair of shorts over his shoulder. he unzipped the fanny pack that was present on his waist, and made sure every pill, and all his polaroids were stowed away safely.

"ready, eds," richie asked, and eddie nodded. after saying bye to sonia, and multiple kisses, the boys left the kasprak residence.

"alright guys," said richie to the three who were already number their bikes, "let's go."


sorry this took so long, and it's really short but i needed to get something out xx

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