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edit 12/17/19: PLEASE READ! this story contains homophobic slurs , mentions of assault (descriptive at times) , abuse , and possible drug use and/or smut. if you're easily triggered , PLEASE DON'T READ!! your safety is more important than reads. i love you guys , and if you're going through any of these things , please , please , please get help. you're not alone!! i'll add to this as needed <3 enjoy
xoxo , ari


"eddie bear," my overbearing mother called up to me. i rolled my eyes and left the comfort of my bed for what i am assuming is dinner.

"have you done your homework, edward?" i nodded, and she sighed. "i'll never get you to talk will i?" i shook my head.

"alright, come on, let's eat." my mama refused to let me eat out; she said i might get food poisoning. i'd much rather get food poisoning than eat whatever the hell she made this time.

mama guided me to my place at the table, and i smiled gratefully; it was a salad. "that tozier boy called here again, eddie."

richard tozier- better known as 'trash mouth.' he was derrys bad boy i guess you could say. mama thought he and i were the best of friends. wrong.

i rolled my eyes, and nodded. she continued as expected- "he said he wants to meet after school to discuss some history assignment you have coming up."

great. this probably meant him and henry bowers were going to drag me behind the school again and shove rocks down my throat.

"its not like you use it anyways," richie would say. "maybe next time i'll use something harder," bowers would say and wink.

eddie shuddered at the thought, and stuck his fork into the salad his mother had prepared for him.

eddie loved being mute; he didn't have to talk in class, and he didn't have to do oral presentations. on the other hand, he couldn't talk on the phone, or ask for anything he needed.

eddie being 16, has been mute for 3 years. it all started with his first girlfriend, beverly marsh.

"thank you for walking me home, eds."
eddie smiled at the girl. "no problem, bevs," he said and embraced her.

unfortunately, al marsh had saw the whole thing. he stepped out onto the porch, and went off.

"in the name of god, what the fuck are you doing with my daughter?" eddies lip quivered a little. "n-nothin' sir, i swear!"

al hoisted eddie up by his collar; he couldn't breathe. he needed his inhaler. the large man talked between clenched teeth. "if you ever talk to my daughter again, i'll beat the snot out of ya."

he released eddie, pushing him down in the process. he wheezed and fumbled with his fanny pack.

since that moment, eddie had been scared to say anything to anyone. he knew his reasoning was dumb, but he just couldn't shake what al had said..

"eddie...eddie...edward," my mom called out, snapping me out of the horrid memory. "yes ma," is what eddie wanted to say, but instead he looked up at her.

"don't forget to take your pills before bed, eddie dear." the small boy nodded. he finished his salad, and brought his dish to the sink, and began washing it.

"oh no, dear. you'll burn yourself." sonia shoved eddie out of the way, and began washing the dish eddie had discarded.

he sighed and made his way back to his room. he flopped down on his bed. his phone rang from somewhere in the room.

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