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"eddie," stan called down to the boy who was lying on the floor at his feet. he was sketching a flower in the notebook richie had given him days before.

he looked up at the boy on the couch and sighed before flipping to a new page in his book. what, dude?

stan read the simple sentence out loud and let out a breath. "how do you know... how do you know you're in love?"

eddie smiled. no offense, but you're not my type. eddie proudly showed stan the words he had written, only to have a pillow chucked at his head.

"not you, you fucking doofus!"

why, does someone love a certain stuttering boy who's name shall not be mentioned?

stan glared at eddie. "just answer the damn question."

i don't know, bud. i've never been in love.

"mhm.." stan murmured. eddie looked at the boy, confusion lying in his eyes. "don't give me that bullshit, eds," stan said mockingly. eddie threw the pillow back at him.

i honestly have no idea what you're talking about stanley.

stan furrowed his eyebrows. "so you're telling me that you're not in love with a certain brown headed, glasses wearing trash mouth?"

we aren't even dating!

"okay, but i'm not dating bill either." eddie smirked at him, and stan caught onto what he had said. "okay, yes, i think i love bill," stan grinned proudly.

no, not yet. we just became friends again.

"yeah, whatever." the room went silent for a moment— not an awkward silence, a very comfortable silence. "i'm asking bill out."


stan nodded, a smile plastered across his face. "i think im gonna-"

a loud knock at the front door of the uris residence cut the boy off. "its bill,"
stan confirmed, noticing his signature knock.

"please don't say anything." eddie glared at him once more. "right, sorry eddie."

stan rushed to the door, opening it to see bill standing in the doorway. "h-h-hey stanley, hey e-ed-eddie."

eddie smiled at the boy, waving his newly painted finger nails. stan had insisted on a yellow that "brought out the gold flecks in his brown eyes."

"s-so stan, w-w-wanna go bird         w-watching? i g-got a new b-b-book for you." stan was blushing uncontrollably. "are you asking me on a date, billiam?"

bill blushes, and stan ruffles the boys hair. "i t-t-think so. is that o-okay with you?" stan nodded eagerly. 

eddie craved the love he felt radiating off of bill and stan. even if it wasn't evident to him, he was in love with the boy with the glasses.

eddie smiled at the two boys longingly. he wasn't paying attention to the boys,  and certainly not their conversation.

"eddie, wanna come? maybe you can invite richie," stan asked. the boy nodded, a smile growing on his face.

"w-why don't you t-t-text him," bill slowly asked the tan boy. eddie nodded as stan offered his hand to the boy on the floor. he pulled him up with a grunt.

eddie fished his phone out of his back pocket, typing out a text to his friend.

eddie: meet at the barrens in 10. i'm with bill and stan.

eddie had waited no more than a minute when richie replied with a simple, "okay."

"is h-he coming, e-eddie?" eddie nodded.

after retrieving their rusted bikes that they had stowed away under stan's back porch, they rode down the roads of derry. bills bike was much to big for him- a double seater which he would retrieve from an antique shop a mere 27 years later.

"hi yo, silver," he would yell after a few twists and turns. eddie and stan would laugh at him- then at each others hair flopping wildly in the derry wind.

after a short seven minutes they reached the barrens, and routinely stored their bikes under the small stairs. "let's wait up here for richie," stanley stated.

the three boys took a seat on the stairs, and waiting an agonizing 10 minutes for richies triumphant entrance.

"ey chaps, how ya doing?" the boys turned around to have their eyes meet a smiling richie. eddie grinned at the sight. "new smile, rich," asked stan.

"yeah, stan," richie said and smiled harder at eddie. he could tell the boy was truly happy. "new smile."

this is pretty shitty smh
sorry this took too long to write, i haven't had any ideas :)

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