Arianna's POV
Aunt Claire woke us up for breakfast before they left. We got dressed and went downstairs where our parents were. I greeted them good morning and sat down. "Good sleep?" Aunt Claire said.
"As always." I said, chewing on some eggs.
"No doing nasties okay?" Erik said.
Both of us choked on our breakfast and blushed furiously. "Uncle! Not in front of the food! We're trying to eat here!" I said, gasping for breath.
Claire smacked him upside the head and said, "You stupid. Stop embarassing the kids."
We laughed and I took that chance to tell them. "Uhmm.. Stacey, Paul, is it okay if I take Nico to.. uhmm.. meet my parents for the rest of summer?" I asked shyly.
Stacey's eyes went wide. "Really?!" I nodded. She squealed. "Of course! Take care of my son and I hope I meet your parents soon! I might stop by some time since I have to release my summer collection."
"Really?" I looked at Paul. He nodded with a smile.
"Yup. Oh my gosh. I just thought of the most brilliant idea!" she beamed.
"What?" I said, drinking some apple juice.
"You should be one of my models!"
I was in the middle of swallowing my juice and I started to choke painfully. Nico laughed and patted my back which was no help. Stacey and Claire rushed to my side while Paul and Erik laughed with Nico. I looked at Stacey. "Are you kidding?! I can't model! I'll trip and break my neck and everyone will laugh at me!" Stacey and Claire rolled their eyes while the boys laughed again.
"Babe, that won't happened. I'll even watch you." Nico offered.
"Or you could model the summer couple edition with Arianna." Stacey recommended.
He looked at his mom with disbelief. I grinned. "That would be perfect, Stacey."
"No, it's not!" Nico said.
"Sorry babe. You dug your own grave." I said, grinning.
"Well, it's set! The two of you are gonna model for me! This is gonna be exciting!" she said.
Then I thought of something. "I actually have 4 friends, 3 girls and 1 boy, you think they could model too?" I asked.
"Of course! The more the better! And you guys are gonna get paid so you don't have to worry about that."
"No! I don't have to be paid. You can just pay the others. Just modelling for you is enough. I don't want to get paid." I said.
"You are gonna get paid. The money isn't even gonna come from me. It's from the sponsors. If they like the way you model, they're gonna come and talk to me, ask about you, and if they like you, they're gonna offer you a part time job if you accept." she explained.
"Really? But what about being in Mass?"
"They have branches all over America. I'm pretty sure there's something near your dorm. You can talk to them about your schedule and all, so you don't have to worry about that."
"Wow. Well, I'll do my best." I said, smiling.
"Well, we gotta go now. Aaron is alone at home, so he might be hungry." Claire said.
I nodded. "Okay. Take care. Are you guys gonna drop us off the airport tomorrow?"
They nodded. "We're gonna go to the airport before our meeting so we could see you off too, but right now, we both have meetings to attend so I'll see you guys later." Stacey said.
"Be good!" Paul said as they left with my parents.
"Bye! See you guys tomorrow!" I said. I turned to Nico. "What are we gonna do now?"
"Well, you gotta call the friends that you said was gonna model with us." he said.
"Oh yeah huh. You're gonna meet them at my parent's house. Two of them live there and one is my best friend. Nate and Lizzie are siblings and theire parents are friends with my parents, so they left them to their care while they're fixing their lives. It seems like they've been fighting and all. And Jessica and Stephanie are my friends from school. " I explained.
"Do they know anything about what happened ever since we got here?" he asked, referring to the Aaron-Savannah incident.
I shook my head. "No. But I bet they'll be thrilled. Especially Nate since he was a little close to Aaron. I have a feeling he won't take it easy on him. Aaron's lucky he's here and Nate's in America or else there's gonna be some ruckus." I said.
He laughed. "Well let's go to our room, call them, and let's think about what we're doing today." he said, standing up, offering me his hand.
I took it and said, "Oh! Let's go souvenir shopping!"
"There we go. Something to do." he said as we walked towards our room.
Sorry, short update again, but I'm gonna bake a cake and bring it to the hospital for something to munch on while I'm dying of boredom. I usually don't go on weekdays, but my mom wanted me to, so I wanted to update before I leave. I'm not sure if I'll be able to update tomorrow, depending if my mom let's me go home, so if I don't update tomorrow, SORRY!! VOTE AND COMMENT!! Inspirational song is Common Denominator by Justin Bieber :) Oh and I can't believe I have 30 chapters now. It's all new to me!
-Claire <3