Part 11

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*Selena's POV*

"Jake?" I said as I woke up feeling nothing but empty sheets next to me.

I opened my eyes to the sun shining bright through the perfectly clear windows.

I stretched out my arms and slid my body off the bed when I noticed Jake's bag all packed and sitting on top of the dresser that was in our room.

I pulled the blanket around my body as I walked through the little hut when I saw him sitting in the living area.

"Jake, why are your bags packed?" I asked I went to sit on his lap.

He slid me off his lap before looking at me. "Last night I woke up around 11 and I couldn't go back to sleep so I went out on the balcony. Then I hear you laughing up a storm. Off in the distance I could see you and Emma and Justin playing in the water looking like you were having the time of your life. You and Justin never got to finish what you started. I don't want to be the person what gets in the way of the two people who were made for each other. I've been watching the way he looks at you. Selena, he loves you. I know you love him too. So I'm stepping down. Maybe later if it doesn't work and you want to give us another go, we can try but for now you owe it to Bentley, Emma, Justin and yourself to give it another try. Of course I would love to be your friend but it's time for me to go home Selena. I'll always love you but you aren't meant for me."

I looked at him and pulled him into a close hug. "Thank you, Jacob." I kissed his cheek and helped him take out his stuff before hugging him one last time and waving as he left.

Right as Jake was getting onto the boat Justin and Emma came out of their room.

"Was that Jake?" Justin asked as I turned to face him.

I smiled and nodded. "Yeah, it was."

"Where is he going?" Justin asked confused.

"He decided to go home," I said walking back into my bungalow and scooping Bentley up in my arms from out of his play pin.

"Why would he do that?" He asked looking at me like I was talking in a different language.

"We broke up," I said with a shrug.

"How are you so calm about this?"

"We'll talk about it later. For now, let's go to breakfast. I'm starving!" I said as I handed Bentley to Justin. I walked into the bedroom closing the door so I could change my clothes.

*Justin's POV*

I sat on the pure white sofa holding Bent close to me. Maybe this was my chance to win Selena back.

"Daddy, can I hold Bentley?" Emma asked as she sat patiently next to me on the sofa.

"Sit back and hold your hands out," I instructed.

After she did what I asked her to do I softly placed the sleeping Bentley into her arms.

It was pretty cute to see the big sister holding her little brother. It was amazing the way she was with him. She loved to talk to Bentley even if he was sleeping.

"Okay, let's go," Selena said walking out of the room fully dressed.

"Can we talk first? Alone?" I asked.

She looked over at Emma who was in her own world with Bentley. "Emma, I'm going to talk to Justin. Yell if you need us."

Together we walked through the bedroom and out to the balcony.

We both stood there for a long time just looking out into the clearest water ever.

"I thought you wanted to talk," Selena said after a long silence.

"Now that Jake is gone, will you give me another chance?" I asked turned to her.

"No," she said not looking at me.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"I may have forgiven you but I'm still upset. And the trust is definitely not there. There no way a relationship can work with no trust. So when you find a way to regain my trust back then I will think about it," she said shrugging her shoulders with her arms tucked tight across her chest.

"And how am I supposed to do that?" I asked turning back to the water. I had to admit I was a little hurt. I was sure that with Jake gone, I was a shoe in. Of course I thought it would take a little longer than a few hours but I wasn't complaining. I just wondered what went down with them.

"If you truly care, you will find a way." She turned back and reached for the door, "I trust Emma and all but the thought of her alone with our son freaks me out."

I smiled at how she said our. I knew that she was going to be stubborn but if I got Selena in the end that was all that mattered.

We went back out to the restaurant that we went to for dinner last night and had a nice quiet breakfast next to the water.

Emma was glad that it was just the four of us again even though she claimed to like Jake she said "we were better for each other."

We walked back to the rooms prepared to go our separate ways when I stopped her.

"Selena will you go on a date with me?" I asked.

She stood there chewing on her lip, "What about the kids?"

"I'll take care of that. Please? It's just a date."

She looked from Bentley who was in her arm to Emma before looking back at me. "Fine."

I smiled and kissed her forehead before turning to go into the room. "Be ready at 7!"

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