Part 38

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*Justin's POV*

As soon as I got off the plane in California, I was rushed off to the court house for the divorce, because there was a delay in Dallas.

When I showed up at the court house I didn't even have to wait in the halls like normal. I just walked right in.

"Where is Ms. Gomez?" the judge asked putting on his glasses and holding up a paper in front of him.

"I'm here to represent us both, your honor. She's at home with the children," I answered standing up.

"I see that you two did not to the counseling like I said."

"No your honor. We got back together."

He nodded not looking up from the paper. "As for the divorce?"

"We no longer need one."

"Great," he said hitting his mallet on the stand. "Case dismissed."

I swallowed hard and walked out of the room with my head down.

"Justin!" Fredo called running after me.

"What?" I asked turning around sharply.

"Bro, you didn't tell me Selena wanted to stay married," he said with a smile.

"She doesn't," I said as I walked away.

"Wait, what?"

"Look, stay out of it. Don't tell Selena alright? This isn't anyone's business but mine," I said as I rushed away from him into the car that was waiting for me.

Did I feel bad about lying to Selena? Yes, but I knew that we were going to get married again someday so why get divorced just to get remarried. So in the long run, I was saving us money and lots of time. I knew eventually I would have to tell her but today was not that day.

Sure I could have just told her that they didn't give it to us but this way she wouldn't talk about it anymore.

In all honesty, it did hurt when she talked about the divorce not only because it reminded me of how I messed up and how I hurt her but also because, even though we are together, it made me feel like she doesn't want me, or that she thinks this won't last and I'll mess up again.

As I got to the house, it didn't feel like I was going home, it just left like another hotel that I would be staying at.

All our cars were gone, having been shipped down to Texas so it really just looked like a normal California home.

Walking into the house didn't excite me anymore, the way it did when I had first got it. It was like everything that it ever meant to me, left. I guess they do say home is where the heart is, and for me, the heart was in Texas with my girlfriend and my beautiful children.

*Selena's POV*

"Mommy, can we play tea party like we used to?" Emma asked in her cute little voice.

"Baby, I have homework."

If I would have known that I was going to get back with Justin after we split I would have never gone back to school. It wasn't that I didn't like school it was just the fact that it took up so much time that when it was just me with the kids I didn't really have time to spend with them and play with them.

"Please," she asked giving me a puppy dog face that was identical to Justin's.

"Okay fine, but not too long. I do have school work okay?" I said pushing my chair away from the desk that we had in mine and Justin's brand new shared house.

Emma clapped running down the hall into her room.

"Here's your tiara," she said as I walked in the door giving me on of her old plastic ones.

For her birthday last year, Justin had gotten her a real tiara saying that she would always be his little princess. And let me tell you, the girl never took the thing off. However, we would not allow her to wear it outside the house because knowing Emma, she would lose it and have a panic attack and cry till she turned 30.

When I saw in the news that that was what Justin had got Emma I thought it was ridiculous. I'm sorry, I love the girl to death but no 8 year old should have a tiara with real diamonds on it.

We sat together at the table and I took a picture with my phone to send to Justin.

Even though Justin had only been gone since early that morning, we missed him a lot.

Dress up with Emma. We miss you.

Emma was in the middle of pouring my fake tea when Justin texted back.

(: how cute. Where is my lil boy?

I smiled to myself.

Taking a nap. Finally.

Justin and I texted the rest of the time that I played with Emma.

"Do you know that you are the best mommy ever?" she said with a smile.

"What about your other mommy?"

She shrugged her little shoulders and flattened her dress. "She's okay, but you are better."

"You don't miss her?" I asked trying to find out what she really thought about her.

"No," she said shaking her head.

"So you wouldn't want to go back and live with her?"

"No, I like it here, with you and daddy and baby Bent. Maybe one day we can get a new baby too!" she said happily.

I let out a little laugh a smile. "Maybe one day."

Maybe one day.

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