Part 69

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Part 69

*Justin's POV*

I laid in the bed of our room with my eyes shut tight trying not to think about the boat swaying back and forth.

"Baby, I got you something for your sea sickness. Here put this on your wrist," Selena said sliding a thick cloth band on my wrist. "And this goes behind your ear," she said handing me a little clear patch. "And take this. It will help. I'll go get you water," she said walking over the our mini fridge.

"You were right. This was a bad idea," I said swallowing the pills she gave me.

"Wow we've been married one day and you already saying I'm right. I could get used to this," she smirked kissing my head.

"Don't get used to it," I said playfully narrowing my eyes as I wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her towards me.

"Baby you got to get out of this room. It's beautiful out there," she said laying her hand on my chest while she put her head on my shoulder.

"I-I guess I could try now. I feel a little better," I said trying to stand.

She put her arm around my torso helping me to regain strength in my legs.

We walked out to the top of the boat looking over at the water. It was everywhere. And I mean everything. Every direction you turned in, was water. Not a spot of land in sight.

"You know, if someone killed someone else and tossed them over the edge no one would ever know," Selena said softly looking over the edge at the water.

I swallowed hard slowly turning to look at her. "They would notice if it was me. I'm J-Justin Bieber."

Suddenly she let out a loud laugh causing passer bys to look at us. "I'm kidding Jay. Chill out. There's no reason to be this tense. It's our honeymoon for goodness sakes. Let loose. Have fun."

"Yeah, let's go to the spa. Maybe they have like a couples massage that will help," I said as I intertwined my fingers with her pulled her over the the elevator.


"I feel so much better," I moaned as we walked out on cloud nine.

"That was probably the best massage I've ever gotten," she said leaning into me as we walked back to the room to get ready for dinner.

"How does it feel to be Mrs. Bieber?" I asked as I got dressed and watched her get dressed.

"Well I've only been Mrs. Bieber for about 20 hours but it's been pretty great so far," she said with a smile before looking up at me to see me staring. "What are you staring at you creep," she said sticking her tongue out at me turning so I couldn't see her as well.

"Hey I'm allowed to watch my wife get dressed," I said as I buttoned the last button to my dress shirt before walking over to her pulling her to me despite the fact that her dress was not zipped up.

"I love when you call me your wife," she whispered falling into me.

"You know we could just skip dinner all together," I said seductively into her ear. "It is our honeymoon after all," I said with a smirk as I began to nibble on her earlobe, and with ease the dressed slipped right off.

*Selena's POV*

"I can't believe you made us late for dinner because you couldn't keep it in your pants," I said fixing my make up as we stood in line to be seated.

"That's not what you were saying while it was going on. Don't even act like you didn't enjoy every minute of it," he said rolling his eyes. "Plus we are on our honeymoon. It's what we are supposed to do."

"We should call the kids. It doesn't look like this line will be moving anytime soon," I said as I reached inside my clutch pulling out my phone.

"Hello?" I heard my dad answer.

"Hey dad. Can we talk to the kids real quick?" I asked.

"EMMA! JACHITO! YOUR PARENTS ARE ON THE PHONE!" I heard him yelled causing me to shake my head.

"Mommy!" Emma said getting to the phone first.

"Hi baby girl. We miss you so much. I can't wait to see you again."

"I missed you guys too mommy. But we are having a lot of fun with grandpa! He took us to get ice cream!" She cheered.

"My father is bribing the kids," I said covering the microphone.

Justin laughed and Emma spoke once more, "Is daddy there?"

"Here you go baby," I said handing the phone to Justin.

We talked to each of the kids as the like moved closer and closer before I was finally out turn.

"Okay princess, we have to go. Be good. Goodnight," Justin said hanging up the phone as we were escorted to the table.

"Have you been feeling better?" I asked Justin as I looked at the menu.

"I have, actually. Thank you for taking care of me."

"In sickness and in heath babe," I said with a wink making him laugh.

"What are you getting honey?" He asked setting his menu to the side.

"Um... I don't know. What are you getting?" I asked looking over my menu at him.

"I think I'm just going to get a burger."

"I get that too," I said as he leaned over the table to give me a kiss.

"That ring really looks good on you," I said smiling playing with the ring on his finger.

"Nothing has ever felt better, more in place," he said confidently.

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