Part 22

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*Selena's POV*

I stood there in the middle of the living room watching as Emma walked around the house with a straight face. I had to admit even though she was scaring me, she had an amazing poker face.

"What do you think?" Justin chimed in as he tapped his foot nervously. We both desperately wanted her approval. I knew that if I didn't get it I would change the whole house just so she would like it.

She pivoted on her feet and nodded. "I like it," she said with a smile.

I let out a sigh of relief and fell onto the sofa happily.

"I'm going to go look in my new room," she said happily skipping off to her room.

Justin sat next me, pulling Bentley up with us.

"He's getting so big," Justin commented as we both looked at Bentley.

"He's supposed to start talking soon," I added watching him carefully.

Lately, he had been mumbling little sounds and stuff but not being able to form a real word like Momma or Dadda but we were happy to wait. The longer he stayed little the better.

"I hate that I had to leave you soon. I don't want to miss his first word," he said as I placed him back on the ground watching as he crawled around the dark, hard wooden floors.

"It's only for two days. I'm sure nothing will happen."

"I'll miss you," he said looking down.

I smiled and leaned into his chest. "I will too, but you need to see your dad. On the bright side, you get to bring Jaz and Jax back with you for a few days. I haven't seen them in so long. I bet they are huge now. I won't even recognize them."

"Yeah you will. Jax looks just like me when I was his age. It's crazy. And jazzy, she-she's something else."

"I can't believe that she's about to turn 13. I remember when she was like Jaxon's age. It's crazy how time flies."

"Are you sure you can't go?" he asked as he wrapped his arms around me playing with the hem of my shirt.

"You know I would if I could but I have recording and editing to do. This is my last album; I want to make it good."

He sighed, "I know, I know."

I smiled and leaned up to place my lips on his softly. "We are going to be okay," I said.

He smiled faintly and nodded.

I had to admit, I was a little worried about him going off to Canada by himself. I assume after all that happened and the trouble Justin went through to get me back he wouldn't cheat on me again but it still made me nervous every time he walked out the door, even for a few hours.

I know that I should trust him but it was hard. I was trying but my heart wasn't completely there. Even my head was telling me to watch out. I knew that I had to find a balance between trusting him and watching him. But I had yet to find it.

*Justin's POV*

"Ryan!!!!" I yelled as soon as I got off the plane and spotted my best friend.

"Justin!" he yelled back as we did our bro shake.

"I haven't seen you since... Christmas?" I asked realizing that it had been way too long since I had been back to Canada.

"How are Kate and the kids? Why didn't they come?" he asked as we walked through the airport, yelling over the crowd of screaming fans and paparazzi.

"It's a long, long, long, confusing story," I said as we reached the car.

On the ride back to Stratford I explained everything to him, and I meant everything.

"So are you and Selena back together?" he asked as we pulled up to the house.

"Ry, you are my best friend. I can't lie to you. But I swear if you tell anyone, especially Selena, I will kill you. Yes, were together and trying to work things out. No one knows. I mean no one, not even the kids are allowed to know yet. She wants to 'make sure we know that things will work' before we tell them," I said in by best Selena impersonation voice.

He laughed and nodded as he helped me get my bag. "Don't sorry. I won't say a word."

We threw all of my bags into the room that used to be mine 10 years ago. It was crazy to think of all the things that had changed since I lived in this room.

"Ready to go? The boys are waiting for us at the pizza shop," Ryan said breaking me out of my trance.

"Y-yeah. Let's go," I said shaking my head lightly as I flicked off the light switch and walked out of the little room.


"Well, this has been great but the kids are about to be put to bed so I got to go be a father and tell them goodnight," I said as I gave all the guys a little handshake.

As soon as Ryan dropped me back off at my grandparents' house I quickly went up to my room and pulled out my phone to FaceTime Selena.

While I waited for her to answer I pulled on some sweatpants and pulled off my shirt as I got ready for bed myself. By the time she answered I was all comfortable in bed, but man did she look beautiful.

I sighed and looked down.

"What's wrong?" she asked immedently.

"I miss you so much," I said in a whisper.

She laughed and let me say goodnight to the kids, even thought Bentley was already out like a light. I got to chat with Emma for a minute before Selena made her go to bed and finally I was alone with Selena.

"See you really makes me want to jump on a plane, go home, and never leave you again," I said.

"Oh Jay, you're fine. It's just a few day. I know you're having fun. I saw Ryan's tweets," she said smiling as she crawled into her big bed.

"Stalking me are ya?" I asked with a wink.

She rolled her eyes with a giggle and a head shake.

"I know you're tired. Go to bed baby. Call me when you wake up," I said as she closed her eyes and nodded her head.

We both blew each other kisses through the phone before handing up and dreaming of each other.




This one I made a little longer cause the past few ones have been kind of short. Hope you enjoyed it. Let me know what you think XOXO

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