Part 64

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Part 64

*Justin's POV*

We sat there silently for quite some time. No one said anything. I didn't even look up to see if she was looking at me.

"Say something, Justin. Anything, please," she whispered.

I sat there thinking about what I would say.

It wasn't that I was mad, I don't know I just guess I was jealous. I was upset that she didn't tell me.

"I don't know what to say Sel," I whispered grabbing my pillow from the bed.

"Tell me what you're thinking. What you're feeling."

"I think I'm going to sleep in the spare room tonight. I just need some time to be alone and think," I said monotoned.

I got up and walked out the door without looking back.

I walked down the hall, stopping in front of the studio. I put my hand on the knob turning it before walking in and closing the door behind me.

For weeks, I couldn't think of a single thing to write a song about but suddenly words began to float round and round inside my head.

I dropped my pillow on the floor as I walked over to where I had an unlimited supply of paper for moment like this.

I sat that that tiny desk holding loads of paper and I wrote all night. I wrote about what I was feeling, what I was thinking. It felt good to get it all out and to my surprise it also helped to really clear my head.

I was in the middle of writing probably my third or forth song when the door opened and Selena sluggishly walked in.

"Justin did you sleep at all last night?"

Last night? Last I remember it was like 9 o'clock.

"What time is it?" I asked looking around for my phone.

"7." She stated.

"In the morning?!" I asked wide eyes.

"Yes. I'm going to take the kids to school. I'll be right back then I want you to tell me how you're feeling," she said before sighing and walking out.

As I sat there in silence after she left, I felt my feelings actually surface. I wasn't going to push them down anymore. She wanted me to be honest and I would be.

I was hurt, I was jealous, I was sad. Hurt that she was going behind my back to see her ex. Jealous that she was seeing her ex and sad because she was mine. I can't even somewhat risk her. I can not live without her. I won't live without her.

I sunk to the floor and picked the pillow that I had dropped so many hours ago in my hands.

By the time Selena walked back in I was full on crying, which isn't something I do often but when I do I let everything out.

Over these past few months I had been holding a lot back. I had gone though a lot. I completely moved away from my family and one of the only cities I had ever known. There was also a lot of pressure on me that at times I just couldn't handle. I had to be the perfect parent to three kids. I had to be the perfect fiancé to Selena and make up for all I did. I had to charm her family. I had to still manage to make music all by my self. I was doing the work for 3 or 4 people by myself. I have to be on point for the danced for the tour. I had to remain under the radar while still staying connected with my fans and it had just become too overwhelming.

It was like everything that I had been holding in so well for so long just broke through and it all came out at once.

*Selena's POV*

I walked in feeling like we had gotten no where over the past few days.

I looked up after I closed the door to see Justin huddled in the corner with his pillow hugged close to his chest.

"Justin," I whispered as I fell to my knees next to him.

I took him in my arms and to my surprise his collapsed in my arms.

Justin was always the strong one. He had to be 'the man.' He couldn't show weakness despite what I said. So it was nice to see him finally coming to terms and letting me in a little.

"Jay tell me what you're feeling," I said kissing his head as I brushed his hair back softly.

"I-I can't lose you Sel," he whispered.

"You couldn't lose me if you tried. I'm your Justin. I can't see me with anyone but you. What else are you feeling."

"I'm tried not just physical from work but emotionally I'm drained. I-I feel like, like I'm alone. I have no friends Sel. I have no one but myself. I sit alone in my office and record and then go dance and yeah I have the dancers but they are different. It's not like I can call up Fredo and go to pizza or something I'm all by myself and I know I have you but sometimes you know I just wanna go out with the guys but there's no one to go with. I'm tried of being strong Sel. I just wanna go back to when it easy. We didn't have responsibility, we didn't have a care in the world. It was just you and me. I love those kids more anything but how did we get caught up in the so fast. It's like I blinked and everything changed. I suddenly became the father of three."

I honestly had never thought of how Justin felt about everything we had been through. He was the one who found out he had a daughter. He was the one who had to become a dad in the matter of days, while most fathers had months to prepare.

Not to mention I never even fathomed how Justin felt about the move. I took him away from friends and family and his career without a second thought.

In a lot of ways, I ruined his life.

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