Part 57

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Part 57

*Justin's POV*

"Do you think we did the right thing putting them in public school?" Selena asked after same came down from the home gym with a water-bottle and towel in her hand.

"Babe we've talk about this," I sighed pushing the paper I was working on away.

"I know we want them to be normal but let's face it, they aren't. The thing I'm worried about is security. You never hear about shooting in private school," she sighed wiping off her face as she sat in a chair in the office.

"Do you want me to hire bodyguards?" I asked opening up my laptop.

"No that makes things way to obvious. Maybe I'm just overreacting," she said getting out of the chair to kiss me cheek. "I'm gonna go shower."

I nodded as I watched her hips sway as she walked away.

I pulled back the paper I was working on before picking up my phone and calling Scooter.

"Justin, what's up man?" He answered hyped up over who knows what.

"I was wonder if instead of writing new music we just use some of the old stuff."

"You said you never wanted to look at those again," he stated confused. 

"Yeah but I mean if I can't think of anything at the moment some of the old stuff will help Especially with this deadline. I have music I just need to record it then I don't have to stress anymore and the label gets off our backs. It's a win for everyone," I explained.

"Okay. Just record them and send them in and I'll have someone review them."

"Thanks Scoot."

"Oh um before you have you looked at any of the gossip sites today?" He asked which I found weird because he knew we never did that.


"You might want to. Google your name and it will come up," he said before hanging up leaving me utterly confused.

I did as told and went onto Google and entered my name.

"Justin and Selena's relationship on the rocks again? Hear Selena's new song that proves it all," I read aloud.

I clicked on the link rolling my eyes as a YouTube video came up. I clicked on it.

Suddenly, a song that I had never heard before began to play as pictures of Selena and I from long ago came into view.

My eyes popped open as I heard the sound of Sel's voice come out of my speakers.

"I tried to find you at the bottom of a bottle

Laying down on the bathroom floor

My loneliness was a rattle in the windows

You said you don't want me anymore


And you left me

Standing on a corner crying,

Feeling like a fool for trying

I don't even remember

Why I'm wasting all these tears on you

I wish I could erase our memory

Cause you didn't give a damn about me

Oh, finally I'm through

Wasting all these tears on you

These tears on you."

*Selena's POV*

I just stepped out of the shower when I heard the door to the bedroom shut and the double bathroom doors flew open.

"Hey babe," I said not looking up as I ran the towel through my dripping wet hair.

After a minute of him not talking back I looked up at him with a mad expression on his face.

"What happened? What did the kids do?" I asked concerned stepping closer to him.

"I don't know do you waste your tears on them too?" He asked as my face dropped.

After I recorded the song, me and the label decided that we weren't going to release it.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said blankly.

"Oh did you erase the memory?" He asked sarcastically using my lyrics against me.

"You know what Justin? Yeah I wrote that song. I was hurt. I found out that you had been cheating on me, ON MY WEDDING DAY! I recorded the song but I decided that, that would cross the line to put it out so we didn't. I don't know how you heard the song but I didn't put it out. I wasn't going to put it out whether you hurt me or not. I wouldn't do something just to spite you. What kind of person do you think I am? I really thought we had moved past this," I asked pushing past him.

I hated how he was so quick to judge he didn't even wait to hear what I had to say before becoming angry.

The rest of the afternoon we spent staying as far away from each other which really meant me out in the barn with the horses and no one who could annoy me and Justin up in the studio doing something I couldn’t care less about at the time.

When 3 o’clock rolled around I knew it was time for me to go pick up the kids. I walked inside taking off my outside boots before setting into the house to see Justin with keys in his hands.

“What do you think you are doing?” I asked as I pulled my purse onto my shoulder.

“Going to get the kids,” he answered shortly.

“No, I’m getting the kids and I’m taking them over to my dad’s house then we are going out to eat so you are on your own tonight,” I said taking the keys right out of his hands and quickly brushing past him.

If he wanted to act like a big baby and pout about this then I was going to treat him like one and let him have the house to pout in.

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