Part 51

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*Justin's POV*

The morning of Selena's big test, the kids and I woke up early to prepare a good luck breakfast for the woman who did everything for us.

"Okay Jachito and Emma stay down here I'll go wake her up and when she comes down yell surprise okay?" I said ruffling the hair on there heads as I walked past them and up the winding stairwell.

I quietly opened the door tip-toeing my way in before climbing onto our large luxurious bed and pulling her into my arms softly. "Baby girl wake up," I whispered as I brushed her crazy morning hair away from her beautiful face.

It took a few gentle shakes and even more cute words to actually wake her up.

"Today's the big day baby. Come on let's go enjoy a cup of coffee before you have to get ready to go," I said trying to lure her down.

"Carry me," she whined in the cutest way as she outstretched her arms.

I rolled my eyes and scooped her up and she leaned her head on my chest closing her eyes again.

As I came in view of the kids I nodded before mouthing to the count of three.

On three Emma and Jachito yelled in perfect unison, "SURPRISE!"

Selena's eyes shot open as she jumped slightly in my arms.

She slid herself out of my grip with a smile on her face as she engulfed the two children in a tight hug.

"You guys did all this?" She asked as Jachito pulled out a chair for her.

Emma nodded and climbed up next to her. "We want you to do good on your test and daddy said breakfast would make you do great!"

Selena smiled before mouthing a thank you to me.

After Selena was stuffed with breakfast the kids ran off to play together in their playroom while I follows Selena up to our room with Bentley on my hip.

"I'm so glad the two of them are getting along," Sel said as she walking into the closet looking for something comfortable but cute to wear for her long test.

"Me too. It's going to make things so much smoother then they go off to school," I said sitting on the floor in front of Bentley trying to get him to walk over to me.

"I know. It's going to be so quiet around here epically with them gone and Bent off to daycare. I don't know what I'll do with myself," she said slipping on a cute top.

"Hey I'll still be here," I said turning to look at here.

"Physically but you'll be in your studio working. I guess that means all do all the farm work."

"Sexy," I said with a wink as she rolled her eyes.

After Sel finished getting dressed and got her make-up done it was time to go.

"Kids come wish mom good luck!" I called out as she got her purse and keys ready.

"Good luck mommy," Emma said giving Sel a kiss on the cheek.

"Good luck," Jachito said as he hugged her. She smiled before hugging and kissing me.

"You're going to do amazing. Relax okay. You know this. I love you," I said as she walked over to her car.


Hours had passed since Sel had left for her test and the kids and I had been playing non stop since.

"Daddy can we do your make-up? Pretty please!!!" Emma's asked as she plopped onto mine and Selena's bed.

I sighed before agreeing.

Emma clapped and got her play make-up set as she went to town with eye shadow and other girly stuff.

Right as she began to put lip gloss on my face we all heard the door open.

Before going to downstairs I check on Bentley who was currently taking a nap.

"How'd it go bab-" I asked stopping mid sentence as I saw her face. "Kids go upstairs. Now."

They quickly did what they were told before Selena crushed her body into mine letting the tears start to pour out.

"Baby what happened?" I asked as I moved us over to the sofa rubbing her back.

"I failed Jay," she said through a broken sob.

"How? You knew it all so well. You've been studying for weeks."

"I don't- I don't know," she said causing my heart to break.

"When can you retake it?"

"Tomorrow but I'm not going to. I'll just be a stay at home mom. We have plenty of money."

"Selena you're going to retake it tomorrow. I bet you just over thought it. You just need to slow down and breathe and most of all, relax."

*Selena's POV*

Deep down I knew that Justin was right. I probably just over thought it. But if I did bad this time what made tomorrow different.

Ever since I was little I had test anxiety which was another reason why I decided to pick up on acting. With acting I was free. There was no right or wrong way to act.

As I took a deep breath trying to calm myself, Justin and I heard a fussing through the baby monitor sitting on the coffee table.

"I got it," I said scurrying off to go get my baby boy

I went into his room scooping him out of his crib. I walked over to the rocking chair in the corner of his room placing him against my chest.

"Mommy love you," I said rocking us together. "I'm going to do this. I can do this."

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