Part 72 - Final Part

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Part 72 - Final

*Justin's POV*

"Has anyone seen the most beautiful woman in the world?" I called out wondering around backstage. I had been looking for Selena for quite some time and I couldn't find her away where. "She also happens to be my wife."

"Justin we do this everyday. It's been 5 months. I think it's kind of getting old. We know your married. We know that you have 'the most beautiful girl in the world'" Fredo joked as he put air quotes around the last part.

"Woman, Alfredo. Woman."

"Yeah, whatever. The point is you know exactly where she is. She's on the bus giving the kids their school lesson."

"Right!" I said as it suddenly came to my head. "Yeah I remember that. Thanks Fredo."

I found my way to the very back of the arena still the door swung open leading to the pile of big black busses in the back.

"Baby?" I asked opened the door to the bus we had called home since the start of the tour 5 months ago.

"One second, Jay. Were almost done," she said holding her finger up while continuing the lesson. "Now do you remember how to spell beach?"

"B-e-c-h," Emma said turning to look at Selena who shook her her.

"No it's b-e-a-c-h," Jachito corrected.

"Good job guys. We are all done for today you can go play now," she said letting them go.

"Well aren't you a sexy teacher," I said wrapping my arms around her waist from behind as she cleaned up the papers scattered across the top of the table.

"More like a sleepy teacher," she laughed at her attempt of a joke before understand that it really wasn't all that funny.

"Let's take a nap together before I have to start getting ready. We did sound check and rehearsals early today so I'm free till 5," I explained placing kissed across the back of her neck.

"I don't think it's a nap you have in mind," she mumbled moving so I had more access to her neck.

"Well you know how things work out," I breathed.

"Jay we can't. I have papers to grade and you need your energy for the concert," she said pushing on my chest softly.

"Please I'll be a good boy," I pouted playfully.

"That's a shame cause I really like bad boys," she said absentmindedly. "No wait no I need to stop. I really do have work to do."

"Please we will be quick then you can do whatever you want," I said sweetly whisking her up in my arms carrying her to the back room after I locked the bus door.

"You're lucky I love you," she said before I kissed her to stop her from talking.

*Selena's POV*

My favorite thing about being on tour with Justin was watching how into his performance he got every night. I loved that he connected with the crowd and spent that one on one time with them like they had been wanting for the past 2 years.

"Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!" Emma yelled as Justin began to play One Less Lonely Girl.

"What baby?" I asked looking for the lucky winner.

"Play tag with me. Tag, you're it!" She yelled running off before she ran onto the stage.

My eyes widened as I quickly followed after her trying to keep a low profile but it was nearly impossible with thousands of people in the room.

The whole crowd awed as Justin danced scooped me and Emma up giving us each a flower crown.

"No you don't understand, Emma ran on stage. I just had to get her," I explained to Greg, Justin's dancer as we took both if us over to the large chair set in the middle of the stage.

"Bosses orders," he grinned as Emma was set in my lap as Justin began to walk over to us.

I narrows my eyes at him as he got closer and a smile began to grow on his face.

"Ladies and gentlemen, my beautiful wife and daughter."

As he continued to sing, Jachito and Bentley were brought to the stage making the crowd go even more crazy.

"Give them a big round of applause everyone," he said before turning to all of us clapping.

We all were escorted off the stage to allow Justin to finish off the show.

"Did your father tell you to do that?" I asked Emma as she giggled and nodded her head.

"Yes ma'am," she replied sweetly.

I laughed and shook my head as I waiting for Justin to finish.


"Were you really surprised?" He asked climbing in bed next to me.

"Of course, I was."

"I'm glad everything went smoothly," he smiled pulling me close.

"Jay there's something I need to tell you," I said swallowing hard.

He propped himself up on his elbow so he could look at me. "What is it baby girl?"

"Justin, I'm pregnant," I said bluntly.

"Really? Oh my gosh that's amazing! Wow, when did you find out?" He asked excitedly.

"I found out this morning," I smiled in reply glad to see he was so happy about it.

He sat up and placed both of his big hands on my still very flat stomach. "Hi baby. This is your daddy. I love you so much. We can't wait to meet you," he said to my belly before giving it a soft kiss.

I ran my hands though his soft hair before he looked up at me and kissed me.

"I love you Selena. I feel like I don't say it enough. I don't know what I would do without you. You're my everything."

"I love you Jay. We may not have the smoothest journey but I'm glad about the way things turned out. Cause in a way, I guess it just made us Stronger."




The sequel will be called Defying All Odds and i will post it later today (: Thank you guys so much for reading!

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