Part 16

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*Justin's POV*

"We should throw a party," Fredo said after we finished watching Project X.

"You always say that," I said rolling my eyes.

"I'm serious this time. Imagine how good that party would be if the three of us did it. It would be a totally rager," he said with a smirk.

"I don't know about y'all but I prefer not to end number one, in jail and number two all over the tabloids for being a bad mother because I 'party'" she said putting air quotes around the last word.

"I think we are allowed to go a little crazy every now and then," I explained.

"Come on, it will be fun. I promise," Fredo joined in trying to get her in on the idea.

"Okay, but there is one rule. If it gets broken, I'm shutting the whole party down and everyone's going home and we will never have another party again," she said in a stern voice.

Alfredo and I looked at each other, both of us had on matching smirks. "What is it?" we asked in unison.

"Absolutely no drugs," she said looking right at me.

I sighed and sunk deeper into my seat. "What kind of party is that?" I mumbled under my breath.

"What was that?" she asked sitting up straighter crossing her arms.

"Come one you saw that movie. The drugs are what made that party."

"Justin, you have been in the news too many times with drugs. If we threw a party with drugs you could go to jail and lose Emma. Isn't that what's important? On top of all that, you would lose me cause I'm not sticking around is you start using drugs again," she said.

"Again?" Fredo piped in, looking at me with wide eyes.

I rolled my eyes. "Don't act like you didn't know. But fine whatever. I'm not responsible if people bring their own stuff though," I said not wanting to fight.

"We're throwing a party?" Fredo asked.

"We are throwing a party," I said.

It was about time that I let loose. I can't even remember the last time I even went to a party.

"I'm going to go check on the kids," Selena said getting up. She kissed my cheek on the way out which left me more confused than I already was.

"You guys together now?" he asked nodding his head in the direction in which Selena left.

"Not that I'm aware of. But since we landed back in L.A. she's been really affectionate. I don't know if I should talk to her about it or what but it's leaving me super confused," I said feeling like my head as spinning from thinking about it.

"That's super weird," he said making me nod. "Maybe it is time you talk about it with her."

"Want to hear the worst part?" I asked leaning closer to him, making sure Selena wouldn't hear. "The judge said that he wouldn't divorce us because he wanted us to go to counseling first, but Selena wants to start from the beginning so what I'm unsure about is if she still wants to get a divorce or if we just pretend that we aren't married."

He let out a huff of air. "Wow. You guys seriously might want to talk about things."

*Selena's POV*

"Who needs to talk about what?" I asked walking into the room after check on both of the kids who were fast asleep.

"Justin and his mom," Fredo said quickly causing Justin to jerk his head toward him.

"What happened with you and Pattie?" I asked sitting next to him.

"Oh.. um, we just had a small fight about... my music. She doesn't like what I'm doing with the new stuff," he said nodded.

I looked over at Fredo who was nodding too. "Okay..."

"Anyway," Justin said clapping his hands together loudly.

"Shh! The kids are sleeping!" I said hitting him in the arm.

He held his hands up and let out a laugh. "Sorry," he muttered.

"When are we having this party?" Fredo asked.

I shrugged looking over at Justin.

He let out a sigh and looked at the ceiling mentally going through his schedule. "I can do it this weekend," he said.

"That only give us two day's to invite people and get all the supplies we need."

"Okay, let's break it up," I said. "Justin, you are in charge of inviting people. Fredo you got drinks and I will get the party supplies like cups and stuff."

"How many drinks do I get?" Fredo asked.

"Just get like 10-20 kegs."

My eyes automatically widened. "That's a lot."

He laughed. "Wait till you see the invite list. Plus if we want a rager we have to have a lot of alcohol."

"California knows how to party," I started to sing with a smile.

Justin and Fredo laughed but quickly joined in singing with me before we all burst out in uncontrollable laughter.

After a little while longer Justin and I thanked Fredo before we deiced to go to a hotel for the night seeing there wasn't much in the house yet.

"Should we get two rooms or just one?" He asked me as we stood in the lobby.

"Let's just one room with two beds," I said rocking on my heels.

He nodded and went to get the key before we headed up to the room.

We stood in the room and he turned to me. "How do you want to do this? We can have the kids on one bed. Or you and Emma or me and Emma."

"I'll sleep with Emma," I said.

He nodded before putting Bentley in his portable crib and climbing into the bed by himself.

I laid Emma down covering her up before crawling in myself and letting sleep take me over.

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