Part 53

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*Selena's POV*

"We really should be signing more to him," Justin said as we both set in the seat next to the aisle.

"I know," I sighed.

'More,' I sighed holding up a Goldfish for him. 'You want more?'

Bentley nodded his head causing both justin and I to look at him shocked. 'Sign more and you can have one', I signed to him hoping that he understood.

Bentley began to tap his two hands together signing more. 'Good boy Bent,' I sighed as I handed him on of his Goldfish.

"He's really catching on fast," Justin said as he looked over to see our other two children sleeping effortlessly.

"This is going to sound bad, but maybe in a way Bentley was always meant to be deaf. I mean look at how fast he picks it up and he understands us so well. This is what was supposed to happen," I nodded watching Bentley feed himself happily.

"I get what you're saying," Justin noted as he brushed his little girl's hair back while she slept.

"So are we going to talk about the whole baby thing?" Justin said after moment.

"Let's just wait till were married," I said looking over as Justin faked a smile and a head nod as he fidgeted in his seat.

"Are you okay?" I asked concerned.

"Yup," he muttered looking again.


"Wow. It feels so weird to be back," I muttered as we walked into our Calabasas house.

"Doesn't feel like home does it?" Justin asked putting the bags down.

"Not really," I said looking around to see some of our old family photos. "I guess it's true when they say home is where the heart is."

I shook my head shaking out some of the thoughts that came into my head. "Okay everyone hurry and get dressed. We're going out to dinner with Uncle Fredo," I said clapping my hands.

"There's room next to Emma's that can be yours," Justing told Jachito smiling at him.

"Thank you," he stated politely before running off to get ready like Emma.

After everyone changed, we piled into the car to go out to meet Alfredo. I hadn't seen him since the moment we left Cali and I had really missed him. Even after Justin and I separated I had stayed close to Alfredo so when we left I really missed him.

It also didn't help that I didn't really have any friends down in Dallas. So, in a way I was kind of excited to go back to California and see Taylor and Demi and Fredo.

"Fredo!" I yelled happily when we say him as we walked up to the restaurant.

"Hey guys!" He said as he hugged all of us. "Who's little one?" he asked eyeing Jachito with a smile.

"Fredo, this is our son Jachito. Jachito this is our very close friend and Justin's videographer, Alfredo," I said smiling.

"Let's eat, shall we?" Justin said rubbing his hands together.

*Justin's POV*

"So, what have we missed?" I asked with my arm wrapped around Sel's waist.

"Hollywood is going crazy without you guys," Fredo said setting his menu down.

"I know, I'm really surprised the only time they found us when we were going to Haiti," I said shaking the memory out of my head.

"They are going to go crazy when they find you here. I wouldn't be surprised if they were outside when we get out of here," Alfred joked.

We talked the rest of the diner about everything we had missed and catching Fredo up on our brand new life.

"So tour starts soon?" Fredo said. "You excited?"

"I'm glad to see the fans after so long. I feel like I have to make this perfect for making them wait for so long," I answered.

"You'll do great," Selena said with a sympathetic smile.

"You going to be at the studio tomorrow?" I asked pushing my leftovers around on my plate.

"Of course, I have to record history in the making," Fredo said happily.

"Oh whatever," I laughed.

"What does he do?" I heard Jachito whisper to Selena.

"You don't know?" Selena asked puzzled.

As he shook his head and Selena replied, "Justin is an international Pop star."

"Whoa," he said making all of us laugh.

"Okay, let's get out of here," I said after I paid for the meal as we all stood up and pushed in our seats.

"JUSTIN! SELENA! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" They began yelling the moment we walked out of the building.

I covered Bentley up with his blanket as I held him close to me.


I looked over to see Fredo holding Emma close as Selena took Jachito. "Move," I said pushing my way through the crowd trying to get to the waiting van.


"Excuse me!" I heard Emma yell at the paps causing me, Selena and Alfredo to laugh.

After a little while longer we finally all made it into the care safely.

"I have not missed that," Selena noted as we drove back to the house.

"It's only a few days baby. Only a few days," I replied rubbing her arm.

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