Part 68

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Part 68

*Selena's POV*

"Come on Sel. The music already started," my dad hurried me as I grabbed my bouquet of flowers at the very last minute.

This time around the wedding was a lot more simple. There were no bridesmaids, no groomsmen and we only had a ring bearer and flower girl because they were our children.

Thankfully the aisle from the house to the backyard wasn't very long so I was able to get to Justin, not quite as fast as I wanted but soon enough.

Of course there were whispers from the rows of chairs set up in the cooling Texas air, but I didn't mind. The only thing I could seem to focus on was Justin and he couldn't take his eyes off me.

The moment he looked up as soon as I began to walk down the aisle, a smile spread wide across his face and it refused to leave.

As we neared the end, my dad took my hand and placed it in Justin's before joining my mom and Brian in the front row.

All throughout the ceremony Justin and I whispered back and forth about how beautiful and handsome we looked and how much we loved each other. We each said our vows loud and clear.

Finally it was time to say our 'I do's.'

"I do," I said with a smile on my face as I reached up to wipe away a stray tear that had fallen.

"I do," he spoke confidently.

Then the minister declared us husband and wife and he was finally able to kiss me.

We got lost in the kiss the moment our lips touched but we were soon pulled back to reality by the sounds of our closest family and friends clapping for us.

"Mrs. Bieber," Justin said reaching out his hands for me.

We intertwined our fingers walking back down the aisle happily.

"We're married baby!" I cheered once we made it back into the house.

"It's about time. You are officially mine forever," he said kissing me again before Alfredo came in with his camera in hand.

We took a few wedding pictures, thanks to Fredo of course but none of that even mattered to me because I was just happy that everything went off without a hitch.

*Justin's POV*

Once we were done taking pictures we all headed over to Selena's dad's house for a barbecue.

"Congratulations guys." We heard over and over as we walked though our family and friend, hand in hand.

"Selena!" Someone yelled causing her to turn around pulling me with her.

"Jake. I'm so glad you came," she said breaking her hold on me to go hug him.

"I just wanted to say congratulation. You guys are really great together. I'm really happy it worked out for you, you two are want to be," he said.

I smiled, and for the first time I actually didn't feel threatened by him.

"Thanks man. I appreciate that," I said shaking his hand.

"Well I better let you guys go. I think they want you to do your first dance."

Selena smiled and let out a giggle as I lead her over to the allotted dance area.

'Heartbeats fast, colors and promises. How to be brave? How can I love when I'm afraid to fall but watching you stand alone all of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow. One step closer," the music said playing one of Selena favorite songs through the speakers as we moved around the floor holding each other close.

"I love you," I said getting lost in her eyes and we moved from side to side.

"I love you," she replied as we began to completely ignore the music and just focusing on each other. "Today was ... everything I could have hope for and more. Thank you Justin."

"I would do anything to make you happy," I said honestly holding her closer to me.

We danced around for a few more songs being goofy with out friends and dancing with our parents and even dancing with all of the little ones.

We had a lot of fun talking and dancing and eating and just enjoying each other's company.

"Okay Biebers, it's time to go if you want to make it on time," Taylor said as she corralled us into Selena's dad's house.

"And where exactly are we going?" Selena asked with a laugh looking from Taylor to me before looking back at Taylor.

"What would be the fun in telling you?" I asked with a smirk as we walked though the house hugging our family.

"Okay munchkins, be good for grandpa. We love you so much. We will be back soon," Selena said crouching to the floor to embrace the kids in a hug.

I said my goodbyes, hugging and kissing all of them before I saw Emma lurking in the back with a blank expression.

I knew that we was going to have a hard time with us leaving since she always had a hard time being apart so I knew it was my duty to make it better.

I walked over to her picking her up. "Hey this week will go by fast okay? We will call you everyday and every night before you go to bed. Promise. Remember we are always in you heart. If you get lonely you can always look in your locket and you will know we are right there,"I said pointing to the heart shaped locked she clutched in her tiny palm.

I set her down talking them goodbye one last time before we headed out to the waiting car.

The car drove us down to where instructed and finally when we got out I was able to tell Selena where we are going.

"What are we doing at docks?" She asked as we grabbed our bags out of the back.

"We're going on a cruise baby!"

"Oh... Yay," she said not really looking enthused.

"Why aren't you happy about that?" I asked disappointed.

"I just... I don't know if I will like the motion of the boat. You know how I get," she explained as we walked to get onboard.

"You will be okay, love, I promise. If you get sea sick I will take good care of you. We are going to have lots of fun," I said kissing her happily.

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