Part 20

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*Selena's POV*

"Thanks for watching the kids again, Pattie," I said as I held Bentley on my hip and Emma held my other hand.

"It's no problem. I'm glad you guys got to have some fun. It's good to see you again too," she said with a heartfelt smile.

I had always had a soft spot in my heart for Pattie. I smiled and nodded.

"Where is Justin?" she asked looking around.

"He and I are kind of not really talking right now, so he's pouting in the car," I said with a shrug.

"I hope you work it out soon. I'll see you soon. Tell Justin I say hi," she said leading me to the door.

I gave her a quick side hug and went back out to the car helping Emma get in as I put Bentley into his car seat.

"Your mom told me to say hi," I said hoping he would talk to me.

"'Kay," was all he muttered before driving.

"Justin can we talk?" I asked in a little voice.

"Nope," he said letting the 'p' pop.

The rest of the ride back to the hotel was spent in silence. The only sounds in the car was Bentley making his cute baby sounds trying to talk but not quite able to. He was close to saying momma but he hadn't done it yet.

When we pulled up to the hotel we all got out and went into the lobby when we spilt up. I walked over to the front desk and got another room because there was no way I was going to stay in the same room with him, and I didn't want the kids to see that.

My new room was right next to where Justin's was. He waited outside of the room for I assumed me.

"Did you get lost along the way?" he rolled his eyes shaking his head with a snicker.

"No, I got my own room."

He dropped his arms from his chest. "Why?"

"Oh so now you want to talk to me?" I asked pushing past him.

"Selena there's just a lot going on right now. It's kind of hard to get rejected by the one person I've always loved," he said trying to explain.

I stood in front on my door, hesitating on turning around. I took a deep breath before pivoting on my heels and looking at him. "You love me?" I asked.

He looked down nodding.

"Justin," I started before he cut me off for the second time in a row.

"No. Save it," he said pushing his key into the door.

*Justin's POV*

I was so done with getting rejected. I honestly don't even know why I tried. Did I expect a different outcome?

They say that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. I guess in that sense I was insane. I was stupid for thinking that she would ever love me the way she used to.

I guess I really messed things up for good when I cheated, but if I would have known this would have happened I would have never took a second look at Kate. I would have kept my distance and gone with the plan that the custody judge set forward only making us talk when about Emma.

I was in the middle of putting my key in the door when I felt someone push me up against the wall. I opened my eyes shocked to see it was Selena.

"No. This is how it's going to go. You are going to stand there and you are going to listen to me. I'm done letting you kick me around. I am a human being and you have to respect me. Got it?"

I stood there in utter shock. When people had said that Selena had changed within the last year I didn't think it meant this. The Selena I knew would never have the courage to do that, and in a way I found her taking control of the situation kind of sexy.

I nodded my head, still staring at her.

She took a step back. "I'm in love with you Justin. What I said when I was drunk, I meant it. I even tried to tell you when you talk me what happened but you cut me off and make me look like a bad person."

"What?" was all I was able to get out.

She stepped back closer to me and pushed her lips onto mine forcefully. At that very moment, nothing else matter. It all melted away under the kiss.

She pulled apart to breath. I watched as her chest went up and down in uneven breathes.

She moved back and went into her room leaving me there in the hallway alone and confused.

I had no idea where we stood after that kiss. But Fredo was right; I had to talk to her. And I knew the only way I could do that would be to take her out again. I needed answers and I wasn't going to wait around forever for them.

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