Part 26

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*Justin's POV*

"Hey Sel, come here!" I yelled into the kitchen where we Selena was sitting drinking her morning coffee.

"Justin, what is it?" she asked walking in with her mug in her hand.

"Have you noticed Bentley doesn't look when we talk to him? And he's almost 11 months and he's still not talking, like at all."

She sighed and sat down next to me resting her free hand on my leg. "Maybe he's just slower than most kids. That's okay," she said trying to sooth me.

"Selena, what if this is serious?" I asked looking at Bentley who was playing with one of his toys without a care in the world.

"If it worries you that much, after Jeremy picks up the kids tomorrow we can take him to the doctor okay?" she said rubbing her hand up my arm gently.

"Thank you," I sighed leaning into her for a kiss.

Right as our lips were about to touch, we heard Ryan clear his throat coming into the room.

Selena pulled away, picking her coffee up off the table. "Thanks for looking in my eye. Maybe there was nothing there after all," she said trying to play off what just happened.

Ryan rolled his eyes and plopped down in between us.

"Oh Sel, I'm not that dumb. I know," he said with a chucked.

"Ryan!" I yelled.

"Justin!" Selena yelled leaning over looking at me dumbfounded. "You weren't supposed to tell!"

"Why is everyone yelling?" Jax asked walking down the stairs rubbing his eyes. I had to admit the kid looked exactly like me.

"Sorry," Selena said blushing slightly. "Uh, I'm going to go give Bent a bath."

I smiled and watched as she walked away with a smile plastered on my face.

"Dude, get a grip," Ryan said rolling his eyes.

"You are just jealous my girl is smokin'," I said with a laugh.

"Who's smoking?" Jaxon asked as he walked in from the kitchen with a bowl of cereal.

"No one. Are you packed for dad? You know he's coming tomorrow right?" I asked trying my hardest to change the subject.

"I never unpacked. I'm not stupid. I knew if I kept everything in my bag I wouldn't have to spend time repacking later," he said with a smile putting a spoon full in.

*Selena's POV*

I bounced Bentley on my hip talking to him as I got his bathwater ready for him.

I really hadn't noticed that Bentley didn't look at you when people talked, until Justin said something.

Was that just now starting or was I such a bad mother that I never noticed it before.

I sighed and set him in the warm water watching him as he played with his toys.

"Bent," I said hoping he would look at me.

I waited before saying a little bit louder. "Bentley."

"He's not going to look at you," Justin said leaning against the frame of the bathroom door. "I've already tried it."

I sighed looking at my little boy playing in the water without a care in the world. He had no idea what was going on.


"Thank you guys for watching the kids. Erin and I had a lot of fun not being parents for a few days," Jeremy said giving me, Justin and Ryan a hug.

"Not too much fun," Justin said causing me to elbow him in the stomach.

"Oldie got game!" Ryan said high fiving Jeremy.

"Anyway, Justin and I would love to stay and chat and you are welcome to stay but we have to get Bentley to a doctor's appointment," I said grabbing my handbag and handing the keys to Justin who was carrying Bentley.

"Thanks for watching Emma, Ryan. We will be back as soon as possible," Justin said.

We both said goodbye to the Jaxon and Jazzy before heading out to the car.

Justin got the car started and while I buckled Bentley in before going up into the passenger seat.

While Justin drove, he had one hand placed on my thigh while I bounced my knee and looked out the window.

"It's going to be okay," Justin said glancing over at me.

"How can you know that?" I asked shaking my head.

"Because sometime you have to just put your trust in God and know that he has a master plan no matter what," Justin answered with confidence.

I sighed knowing that he was right, however that didn't stop me from freaking out as we pulled up to the pediatric office. The way I saw it I was a mother, I had to worry about my child. It was part of the job.

I got Bentley out of the car while Justin grabbed the bag before going in and filling out the paper work needed.

We waited some more before they led us to one of the back rooms to wait some more.

"Justin, what if things really aren't okay?" I asked looking down at my son.

Justin got up from the chair he was in and come over to Bentley and I taking one of my hands in his. "Then we will do whatever we can to fix it, together. No matter what, we are in this together. I'm not leaving you. We are a family."

I nodded as we heard the doctor knock before coming in.

We all talked telling him our concerned and he kindly listened before running a bunch of test on my baby.

"Let me just go compare the results with the rest of the team and we will be right back," he said before heading back out the door he came into.

While the doctor was away, a few tears began to fall down my face.

"Sel," Justin said in a soothing tone wiping away the stray tears.

"I just have a bad feeling, Jay," I explained resting my head on his shoulder and I held Bentley protectively in my arms.

Right then the doctor knocked again before entering with his clip board. "So the results are in and we have come to the conclusion that...."

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