behind the texts

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Tay sat in the backseat of the cab Off called as they drove somewhere. He wasn't paying attention, his gaze on his phone as he waited for New to call him back. He was panicking. New was close to him, almost as close as Off was to him. It was weird; he had known New for not even a quarter of the time he knew Off and he trusted him just as much. He felt something with New that just made him feel comfortable and safe even if they had never met before.

Knowing that New had gotten hurt over something he couldn't control didn't sit well with the actor. Being gay wasn't something anyone should get beat up over, and Tay just wished he could have helped him. The lack of response wasn't doing anything to calm him down; he was worried that New had something seriously wrong with him. New mentioned that he was kicked in the ribs, what if one of his ribs cracked and he couldn't breathe? That didn't make any sense, but Tay's mind was in a mess with how worried he was.

Off paid for the cab when they got to the destination, and Tay had genuinely no idea where they were. They were at a house, it looked like. It wasn't a house that the actor recognized, and Tay turned to hail the cab again. He didn't want to be here when he could be in the comfort of his own bed while worrying about the fan of his.

"Tay?" A meek voice caught the paranoid man's attention, the voice slightly husky and wet sounding. He turned to see New at the doorway. He assumed it was New, the bruises didn't help much with trying to recognize a boy you've only seen once on Instagram. The actor was a bit surprised by how buff New looked, but he still had this child-like appearance to him which made Tay want to pick him up and hold him until he was sick. He looked at Off for confirmation that this was the boy he had been talking to non-stop for weeks, and at the slight nod, he ran to the boy. He knew he was only stuck in his thoughts for maybe a ten seconds, but it seemed too long now that he knew New was safe.

When he arrived at the doorway, he saw in detail how scuffed up Newwie looked. He grew angry, but upon seeing how wet the younger boy's cheeks were form tears and how red his eyes were, Tay put his anger on the back burner and moved closer to hug his boy. He wrapped his arms around him, gently since he knew that New was in pain. Newwie was having none of it as he hugged Tay, leaning up on his toes to place more of his body on the older. Tay's hands traveled to the backs of the fan's thighs, which he tapped lightly as he whispered for New to jump. New needed comfort and Tay wasn't going to deny him of that, especially not now.

New jumped up slightly, wrapping his legs around Tay's waist as the older lifted him up. The bruised boy's face went immediately into the actor's neck, and the tears that Tay felt run down his neck made him frown. He saw Gun walk towards the door, so he nodded and smiled softly at the short man as a greeting. 

"We do own a couch if you would like to come inside. You can stand out in the heat if you want, no pressure," Gun smiled cheekily, his dimples showing. Tay rolled his eyes playfully before walking inside and heading straight towards the couch. He slowly sat down on the couch so he didn't bother the silently weeping boy in his arms. Once he was settled, he started to rub New's back softly. He didn't say anything, to be honest,  he didn't really know what to say,  so he just sat underneath his boy. 

His boy? Where did that come from? New moved his face, shifting to wrap his arms tighter around the tanner boy's neck and have his face closer to the warmth Tay's body was giving off. It was then that the older boy noticed New was basically straddling him, making him feel unusually flustered. He didn't mind it; having New on him like this was doing wonders for his heart's health if how fast it was pounding was anything to go by. Did he like Newwie? 

He just met him, but he sure did have some type of feelings for him. 

When the broken boy let out a groan, complaining that his ribs hurt, Tay decided that figuring out what he felt for the younger boy should wait. He asked Gun for some pain relievers and started to hum one of his favorite songs to distract the boy in his arms. 

No matter what he felt for the boy, he knew he would always care for him. 


I figured this would be cute to read so I hope you like it <3

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