behind the texts pt2

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this has mature themes so just to be safe, if you aren't comfy reading that maybe don't read this!!


New sipped on his bottle, giggling a little at how animated Off was during his rant. The older boy was talking about how the director on his current drama demanded the writer change their scripts three hours before shooting and then got pissed off that none of the actors knew their lines.

"And I was just like 'what the fuck do you want me to do? Keep my NEW SCRIPT right here?' like fuck man. I honestly hate this drama," Off finished his rant by taking a long draw of his drink and putting it back on the floor. The night just started but they were all sprawled out on the living room floor, just in case some drinks spilled or other accidents that may happen. Gun was next to Off, laying on his stomach. Similarly, Tay was laying on his back with his head on New's thigh. New and Off were the only ones actually sitting.

"Okay, who's next?" Off questioned, and New shrugged.

"I don't really have anything to rant about," he admitted, and Tay looked up at him with a skeptical face. "I don't! I vented yesterday."

"I don't think that counts, cupcake," Gun pouted and New just shrugged again, taking another swig of his drink. The shorter one pouted but looked at Tay expectantly. The older boy sat up a bit, leaning his back into New's chest who just wrapped his arms around his boyfriend. Tay thought about it and snapped his fingers when he thought of something.

"My landlord is a whole bitch. Like a whole asshole. She keeps hitting on me and it's been even worse since I told her I was in a relationship. It's pissing me off because I don't have the time to look for another place and my lease isn't up for a couple months. I'm serious about this guy, super serious, and I don't like her insinuating that I will easily just cheat on him. Cause I won't." Tay finished his rant, tilting his head up so he could press a gentle kiss on New's neck, which was really the only place he could reach. New looked down at him, eyes wide with surprise and swimming with love. Tay just shrugged, grinning when New leaned down and kissed his cheek.

"You guys are still so innocent," Gun commented, making New look up with an eyebrow raised.

"We've been dating for like three weeks." New accused, shifting a bit, moving his head to rest his chin on Tay's shoulder.

"And you see each other almost every day, which means we are high past the time where you blush as chaste kisses," Gun smirked, chuckling a bit when New spluttered. "You could, I don't know, add a little tongue, suck his dick, something like that."

"Gun!" New looked scandalized and blushed ferociously.

"I'm just being honest! Like Tay, wouldn't you like a little something?" Gun leaned closer like Tay would tell him a secret. Yay leaned forward and put a hand up to his ear like he was going to tell him a secret.

"I want him to be comfortable first," Tay spoke at full volume, making Gun pout and New smile. He would do anything to make New happy.


The night progressed like that, drinking and telling stories until they couldn't think anymore. At some point, Gun turned on some music and the four of them sat near each other.

"Let's play something, I wanna play something," Gun whined, which made New gasp and agree that it would be "so fun!"

"What do you want to play?" Tay asked, laughing at how wasted the younger two were. He and Off were significantly soberer than the two younger boys were, and he was honestly surprised at how... tame they were. Tay could see Gun was holding himself back. He could fix that. "Truth or dare?"

"Yes! I like that," Gun slurred a bit, finishing off his bottle so he could use it as a spinner. "Okay so like is the asker the last person asked or is it how the bottle is situated?"

"Gun, baby, that made no sense," Off chastised, just intoxicated enough that his filter was gone. Tay snorted, telling Off that they should do the first one (mainly since that was the only one he understood) and Gun nodded, placing the bottle and spinning it. It landed on New.

Tay was immediately a bit apprehensive because New's innocence has been a topic for Gun all night and while Tay wanted to fucking ravish his boyfriend, he also wanted his boyfriend to be ready for it. He swallowed thickly at the sight of Gun's smirk and waited. New said dare and Gun grinned.

"Give Tay a hickey!" New looked at Tay for consent, and Tay felt his heart swell that even while drunk he wanted permission. He nodded and allowed New to climb into his lap. They didn't say anything, Tay modding once again before New dipped his head down to latch onto Tay's neck. He sucked slightly, nibbling just enough to bring blood to the surface. Tay was going to die. It took everything in his power to not moan out loud, took of all his self-control to not bring New back up to his bedroom and just take all of him. His hands gripped on the younger's shoulders, a quiet groan slipping out of his mouth when New swiped his tongue over the abused area to calm it down a bit.

"Okay?" New asked once he leaned back, and Tay leaned up to lick his mouth in a kiss, immediately coaxing the other's mouth open with his tongue. The two stayed in that position for a moment, tongues dancing and moans slipping before Off pulled New away.

"Love you both but some of us are still very single," he stated, rolling his eyes playfully at New's pout. Tay's boyfriend turned to looks at him, eyes admiring the mark on his neck.

"You look good with that."

Tay was going to fucking combust.

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