behind the texts

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"Where are we going?" Gun asked, small hand covered by Off's larger one. The actor just smiled at him, hair styled in a way the younger had never seen before. To be honest, Off looked delectable right now. Gun knew he was biased since that was his man but still, Off looked fine. He was dressed casually, just a button down and some jeans and his hair was hidden beneath a beret but Gun was feeling some type of way.

"Please stop asking, little child. This is the fifth time in an hour," Tay complained from the driver's seat, whining when New hit his arm. "I'm driving! Hit me when I can't kill you by accident."

Gun thought Tay also looked pretty good, adorned in a tan jacket with white tee-shirt and jeans. New looked good too, patterned shirt making him look cute and sexy at the same time. (Maybe Gun felt that way because he helped pick his clothes. He had great fashion sense and New was a wonderful model.) On the other hand, the shortest was suffering in his attire. He had no idea what devilish creature convinced him to wear a sweater in the middle of summer. Maybe it was because Off said he looked cute in this sweater. Off lead him to make dumb decisions.

"We will be there soon, taiyo. I promise," Off leaned over to kiss Gun's forehead, and the smallest boy flushed at the affection. He swatted in the general direction of New when said boy cooed.

They had been in the car for about an hour, their impending double date making it too hard for Gun to stay calm. This was his dream, and it was finally coming true. He never expected to have someone like him enough to date him, and much less expected that person to be the actor he had adored for years. He never imagined he would have Off Jumpol in his life; only in his wildest dreams did he think that Off would be his boyfriend. But here he sat, next to the love of his life and behind his two other best friends and life felt good. Life felt perfect.

"I love you guys," Gun spoke, feeling like this moment was the best moment to be soft for his friends. Even through their ups and downs, their fights and their soft sessions, Gun wouldn't replace these moments with anyone else. These three people were his soulmates, two platonic and one romantic. He was truly the luckiest person in the world to have so many people love and care for him. Religion wasn't a super big thing for him, but right at this moment, all Gun could do was thank his lucky stars and everything holy that he found a home in three people.

"We love you too, muffin," New turned his head back to smile at his best friend, skin glowing from the setting sun. Gun just smiled back, throwing a kiss at New who caught it and placed it right where his heart was. Tay threw up a finger heart and made a kissy sound, smiling at him through the rearview mirror. (Gun really wished he didn't like Tay as much as he did. The older man was embarrassing.) Off leaned down and placed a kiss on Gun's temple, fingers squeezing the younger's gently.

"I love you most," was whispered into Gun's hair, and the younger looked up to be met with a gaze so full of love Gun almost chocked. This was something in his wildest fantasies that was turning true, to feel love even if the words weren't said. The small boy had been through so much heart break but if he had to endure that pain to find the angel that was Off he wouldn't hesitate to go through it again.

Off was the love of his life, he was sure. This wasn't his fanboy brain speaking. He was biased, sure, but Off had been the best boyfriend he ever had. He was sweet and even if he didn't like skinship that much he allowed Gun to hang off him. He was kind and caring, he knew New was important to Gun and never tried to make their friendship end. Off was just perfect and Off was his. That was something Gun would never get tired of saying.

Pulling up to the observatory, a area where they could watch the stars as they glimmered in the night sky, made Gun's skin tickle with how much happiness he was feeling. This was Off's doing, Tay had said so, and Gunwas stunned at how one comment he had made months prior stuck in his boyfriend's brain. He was so fucking lucky.

He didn't know how to show his appreciation in words so he did what Gun did best and kissed Off softly, smiling into the kiss until it was impossible to keep their lips together. Gun smiled and grabbed his boyfriend's hand as a silent thank you. Off, like always, understood him and led the smaller to their friends who were having their own little moment.

Gun was positive that he could never be happier than this.


Those outfits are based off some of my favorite pictures of our men. And if you think I'm going to show them to you, you're correct

 And if you think I'm going to show them to you, you're correct

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