behind the texts

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Tay sat in the living room, cross-legged next to Off who both sat in silence while they texted in the group chat. He swallowed a bit and looked up, leaning his head back so it made contact with the couch's back. He had so many feelings for his boyfriend, and at how fast they were growing it made him a little nervous. What if New doesn't feel the same?

"Broski, I have a question," Tay broke the silence, figuring that Off could help him some since he had been in a relationship with men before.

"I'll answer it as long as you promise to never call me that again," Off responded, placing his phone on his lap with a raised eyebrow. Tay snorted but nodded and sat up.

"So bro, say hypothetically, a guy just got in a relationship. Let's call him Pete. And he really really likes his partner. A whole lot. Probably loves if he's being honest, but he's scared. They've only been together for about a month. Is that an appropriate time to feel that?" Tay asked, and Off rolled his eyes like he knew it was all a ruse and sighed.

"Feel love?" Off asked, for clarification and hummed when the other nodded. He took a deep breath and thought. The room became silent for a second. Tay sat nervously, attention on his friend's face. Off licked his lips, turning his attention to his best friend.

"I don't think this Pete guy should worry. His partner really likes him right? Had a fan account for them and everything. In fact, I remember him saying that you- sorry, Pete was the love of his life on many occasions. It might be a little early but everyone falls in love at different times and at different rates. The partner obviously likes, probably even loves, Pete too." Off finished his little rant, making the anxiety that Tay was feeling ease a bit. He smiled and nodded, making Off smile too. No matter how much they joked around, they truly cared about one another.

"What are you going to do about the little one?" Tay asked, shifting his body so he was more comfortable. He snorted when the other big just shrugged.

"Take him on a date, I guess? See if I like spending time with him." Tay rolled his eyes at the response his friend gave and stared at him until the other finally relented.

"Off, buddy, you have spent many hours with him, you ducking slept with him last night, I would say you know if you like spending time with him." The two boys laughed a bit, quieting down when the front door opened.

"There are still a few bags, do you guys think you can get them? We have some face masks by the front door if you wanna be super careful," New asked, Tay immediately standing up to kiss his boyfriend quickly and head out to get the other groceries.

"Sure thing," Off smiled, making New smile in return. The two oldest brought in the rest of the shopping bags and set them in the kitchen. The area was large so it didn't feel cramped, but Off genuinely wanted to vomit at how lovey Tay looked now that his boyfriend was here. Gross.


"I'm so excited for tonight!" Gun exclaimed, clapping his hands slightly like an excited child. Off just stared at him like a lovesick husband. Tay laughed quietly, shaking his head a bit. He nudged New gently, whispering in his ear about what he was seeing, taking a mental note of the shiver that ran through the younger's body.

"We haven't had friends do Fuck It Up Friday's with us before so he's quite ... enthusiastic," New chucked, leaning slightly into Tay's chest. Tay swiftly wrapped an arm around the younger's waist, pulling him in closer.

"I have to say, I'm quite excited. I haven't actually gotten drunk for fun in a while," Off mentioned, and Gun gasped. He looked scandalized and moved so his hands were placed on the older's shoulders. Just a few steps closer and he would be on Off's lap. Off's mouth got dry at that revelation.

"We will change that tonight, Papii! This will be the most fun you've had in years!" The tiny boy smiled widely before situating himself next to the older boy. This was going to be a long night.

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