cuarenta y nueve

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Tay sat on the edge of the hotel bed, the view of the ocean mesmerizing. The sun was just beginning to rise, the sky flushing shades of orange and pink, the water glittering in turn. Tay didn't exactly know why he was awake, but he wasn't going to complain. Being here at Phi Phi Island was always something he loved to do. Water always seemed to calm him down, and to be quite honest, he didn't know why. He felt serene and tranquil near water; the sounds of waves crashing against the shoreline always made him melt. But he knew he didn't feel at peace because of the ocean this time, he was at peace because of who he was with.

New was still asleep, mouth half open and soft snores breaking the silence every couple of minutes. His sleep shirt was bunches up, his midriff on display. Yay smiled, a slight pull at the corners of his mouth as he stared at the love of his life. It seemed a bit dramatic to others when Tay called New that, but others didn't understand. Others didn't know how forgiving New was, how kind he was, how selfless he could be. New would drop any responsibilities he had to make sure Tay was okay; New would stay up for hours with Tay if they were in different time zones, even if the younger was exhausted.

Newwie did so many things for Tay. The only category he could ever fill in Tay's brain was "soulmate" and nothing would ever change that. Before he knew what he was doing, he slipped his phone out of his pocket and pulled up Instagram, going to his direct messages so he could scroll through the posts the two of them had shared of one another. A grin broke out on his face, one wide enough to show his gums, and he glanced over at New again, heart full of adoration.

He was so happy he liked New's Instagram post.


Off stilled, gaze flicking from the muted television show to Gun who whined in his sleep, eyebrows furrowed in a face of pain. The older frowned, using his thumb to smooth out the creases. Gun sighed in content, shuffling closer to the heat that was Off's body. The smaller boy still felt sick from the boat ride, and even if he tried to reassure Off that he was fine, the actor refused to believe him.

Off held this weight of guilt on his shoulders, feeling impossibly apologetic to his tiny boyfriend who was experiencing such anguish. It was indirectly his fault; he should have asked if the smaller boy was comfortable with boats before just sticking him on one. His grip on the sleeping boy tightened and he placed a soft kiss on Gun's head. Even if Off was drowning in the guilt he was feeling, he still felt so much love for the younger boy.

The car ride was so heartwarming, Off being able to watch Gun smile brightly and wave at children they passed on the highway. He felt love when they walked passed pandas at the zoo, the delicate hand of Gun tugging Off forward. Gun was always so comfortable with public displays of affection, and while Off usually hated it, he loved when Gun touched him. He couldn't really explain it; it just made him feel complete. It was like Gun was a puzzle piece that Off had been looking for his entire life.

Gun huffed in his sleep, hand sliding under Off's shirt in search for more warmth. At the touch, Off felt his body relax and his mind became tired. He turned off the television and turned over, bringing the younger closer to his body. He let his eyes slip closed, pressing soft kisses on Gun's head as he fell asleep.

He was so lucky that Tay liked New's post.

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