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New sat on the beach, sunglasses covering his eyes as he basked in the sunlight. Tay was in the water, just standing and letting waves crash into him. A soft smile graced New's chubby cheeks as he watched his boyfriend basically glow. They had just come from the cafe, and New was full from his bagel and coffee. Tay was a little apprehensive to film in a cafe, even if was his "son's" family's, and New watched from behind the camera. Tay was awkward in front of the camera; when he played a character, he got into the zone and aced it. But being in front of the camera always made Tay anxious. New thought he was the cutest man he had ever seen.

Seeing him here, in the ocean, it looked like he was in his element. New didn't mean it like acting wasn't what Tay was good at; Tay was born to be an actor. The way he portrayed characters made it seem like every character was him, or at least a part of him. It was effortless. But seeing Tay bask in the salty water, skin glowing from the sun reflecting off the water droplets on his skin, he looked free. He looked like he belonged here and New couldn't take his eyes off of him. It was a wonderful sight, Tay looking loose and relaxed and calm. There were no scripts to memorize, no sleep to sacrifice, no worries in his mind. Tay looked like himself, and New couldn't get enough of it.

Like Tay knew New was staring, he turned and waved wildly, a bright grin taking over his face. New smiled back and waved slightly, feeling a bit flustered. His heart skipped a beat, and he felt his skin flush, but not from the heat of the sun. Tay made him feel like a schoolgirl with a crush, but New would never complain. Tay was the one person he would never complain about. Because Tay was his life. His world. And New loved him.

And it all started because of one fateful Instagram post.


Gun poured silently, sulking as he gently rubbed the after sun cream on Off's burnt back, the red skin feeling overly warm under his small hands. Off was silent, save for the quiet hisses of pain when Gun accidentally pressed down too hard. The smaller boy held back his urge to let his frustrations at the older boy being so careless out because he knew this sunburn happened because of him. He didn't want to admit it, but he knew.

It's not like he meant for it to happen, but Off doted on Gun so much that whatever the tiny one asked for, Off would get it as quick as he could. Off made sure to fulfill the requests so quickly and efficiently that he forgot everything he needed to do for himself, like apply sunscreen. His defense was that he did it all to make Gun happy quicker, but that didn't calm the storm that was Gun's mind.

Gun knew it was just who Off was as a person. No matter how hard he tried to play himself off as a goofy, carefree person, he truly had a heart of gold. He was so selfless and careless that he put other people's worries over his own. Especially Gun, since Gun was his baby and he never wanted to see Gun upset. The smaller boy knew this, and he loved this quality. If he was being honest, he loved everything about Off and will love Off for his entire existence, but it was so aggravating.

Gun didn't say any of this though, pressing a soft kiss on Off's shoulder blade as the damaged skin began to calm down thanks to the aloe vera. Gun loved Off and would never try to change him, not ever. Off was perfect just the way he was.

Even if it did take him a while to follow Gun's fan account at first.

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