Your parent has a drinking problem

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Jin + Jungkook

This might be very upsetting.


You have an alcoholic mother for about 1 year now you told Jin about this problem at the start of the relationship because it happens every 3 weeks.

Today Jin is around and your up in your room just talking when you thought you should go check on your mum. You leave and head downstairs to see what going on and as you thought she is drunk so you take away the alcohol and go back upstairs to Jin.

Jin sees the alcohol but doesn't say anything you just hid the alcohol and go back to Jin.

After a while you hear you mum come up the stairs she comes into you room and says "y/n can I have the alcohol please I need it" "no I through it out of the window" she just sighs and leaves. But you didn't throw it out of the window its in your room.

Jin doesn't say anything until she leaves you burst into tears Jin comforts you. "ill help you get through this y/n I'm not leaving you ever".


You are very scared to tell anyone about your dad drinking and the abuse. Your dad has been drinking since your mum died and abused you saying it was your fault.

You told Jungkook about everything but he didn't believe you.

One day you are at home with your dad he's very drunk in the kitchen looking for alchol but you took it all away. "Y/N WHERE DID YOU PUT MY ALCHOL" "I THREW IT OUT YOU DON'T NEED IT" you shout back walking in the kitchen.

"HOW COULD YOU DO THIS YOU BITCH" he said and you saw your dad holding a bottle and raised his hand. The next that happened you don't remember except darkness.

You don't know how long it has been but you wake up in a hospital bed with your boyfriend Jungkook sitting next to you. "omg y/n thank god your ok I'm so sorry that I didn't believe you your dad has been arrested" Jungkook said and kissed your forehead. You forgave him and let him stay the night at hospital. So, all night he can cuddle you. 

Thank you for over 100 reads in a week that you so much means alot. If you have any questions about what this is about you can ask me because I have been through this myself.
But hope you liked it.
Love Midnightanna xxxx 💗

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