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Requested by Live-Love-Lm-5sos

y/n's POV

Hi my name is y/n I'm pansexual I have gay dads called Taehyung and Hoseok they used to be in BTS years go. They got married and adopted me. And this is my self-harm story.

Third person's POV

y/n came home from school scared confused her brain is about to explode she wants to tell them but can't it's just too much and too hard. She runs too the bathroom slams the door shut it makes a really loud BANG the whole house starts to shake. It's a good thing that both of her dads are at work until 6 and it's only 4. y/n grabs a blade and starts slicing her arm.

One cut for having a crush on my guy best friend

One cut for not talking to my dads

One cut for being Pansexual

One cut for why. Why me why couldn't it be Jessica who lives next door

One cut for harming myself

One cut for being so quiet nobody gets to know my true self

She slices down her arm not worrying about the blood pouring out of it. She sees all the scars from before but doesn't care she doesn't want to be like this at all.

y/n starts crying not because of the pain but the way she's feeling inside how she can't handle all the pressure inside of her brain about her sexuality. y/n stands there in front of the sink staring at herself thinking about everything.

Until she hears the front door open and Taehyung shout "Y/N WE ARE HOME EARLY" y/n starts to panic puts the blade in a draw and wipes her arm with toilet paper flushing the contents down the toilet. She also puts a bandage on her arm and rolled her sleeves down so her dads won't see what she has done.

Y/n hears one of her dads come up the stairs and knock on the bathroom door. "y/n can I come in" Tae says. y/n looks around the room seeing if she need to hide anything else but there nothing so she opens the door "hi dad" y/n hugging him "hi sweetheart" he stops and looks down the floor still holding y/n his eyes widen with concern "y/n why is there blood on the floor" Tae says leaving the hug but still keeping her close y/n looks around and sees the blood she starts to panic but calms down "oh dad it's ok I got my period and I didn't realise I got it on the floor" her dad lets out a loud sigh "thank god I thought you were hurt no I will clean this up you say hello to Hoseok he missed you today" y/n's dad says y/n leaves to go see her other dad.

Hoseok's POV

I have come home with beautiful husband from work Tae has gone upstairs to see y/n whilst I start to make dinner.

Everyday we miss y/n when we go to work, I love her so much I'm so happy we got to adopt. My heart would break if anything bad happened to her. I lost my trail of thought when I feel someone back hug me. I know instantly who it is my lovely daughter y/n. "hi sweetheart did you had a good day" I say she nods. y/n lets go of the hug "do you need any help" y/n says I shake my head "no, why don't you get a movie ready and we will all have a movie night ok?" I say "yes I will father" y/n kisses my cheek and skips off to the living room.

I feel butterflies in my stomach when she kisses my check because not many teenagers kiss their fathers, anymore I'm so glad we have her. I lose my trail of thought again when I hear my gorgeous husband shout "HOBI COME HERE PLEASE" I drop everything and run to him. "where are you my love?" I say not knowing where he is "in y/n's bathroom" I walk in to the bathroom and see my husband he has glassy eyes like he's about to cry. I was going to run towards him because I hate seeing the one, I love cry but I see what he is holding he is holding....

Taehyung's POV

*before he calls for Hobi*

I clean up the blood that y/n made I don't feel grossed out at all because it is normal. I was disgusted when it first happened. I forgot what I learned in school but Hobi sorted y/n out and me. That was when y/n was 11 she is now 13 she's a baby teen.

I just decide to clean the rest of the bathroom I put something in a draw I stop and see a blade with dry blood on it "y/n why would you do this to yourself we love you" I say picking up the blade. I want to burst into tears but I need my husband here "HOBI COME HERE PLEASE" I shout hoping he will hear me "where are you me love?" I hear him say I quickly respond back "y/n's bathroom". I see him come into the room and looks down at the blade that I am holding. His eyes widen "baby?" "no it's not me I found it in y/n's bathroom" I say holding back my tears "why don't we talk to her" my husband says and we head down stairs to see y/n. 

y/n's POV

You are sitting in the living room watching If I Stay your favourite film when both of your fathers come in "y/n darling what is this" you hear Tae say you stand up and turn around.

You see that Tae is holding you blade you look in their eyes and see that they are about to cry. In that instant you burst into tears and fall on the floor.

Third person's POV

Both of Taehyung and Hoseok's hearts break when they see the sight of their daughter, they rush towards her hugging her. "shh baby it's ok we aren't mad we just need to know why" Hoseok speaks first "yes darling please talk to us" Tae then follows.

y/n looks up and breathes slowly she knew that she had to tell them "ok right I'm just going to say it I'm pansexual and I have been cutting for a while because I didn't know how to tell you and I was discovering myself I'm sorry if I hurt you in the process I didn't mean for that to happen I'm sorry" y/n says looking down on her lap. She slowly lifts up her sleeves and shows her dads the fresh cuts and scares. Both of her dads gasp in shock.

"oh y/n we don't care your pansexual we love you for who you are and nothing will ever change that but please stop hurting yourself it isn't healthy please" Hoseok says bringing y/n close Tae is back hugging y/n as well.

"yes, exactly what your father said we will always be there for you no matter what now let's get you arms bandaged up properly and have the movie night." Tae say picking y/n up putting her on the sofa.

Hoseok treats y/n's wounds and Tae ordered pizza they also got the week off so they could spend more time with y/n and make sure she gets the help she needs.

Hoseok and Taehyung love y/n very much and will love her until the day they die. They are going to help her much as they can. They also do not care about her sexuality because there both gay for each other and have an amazing beautiful daughter and they couldn't be happier. 

I really do hope you enjoy it and it's up to your expectations because it's your request please let me know if you want any more requests done I'll be happy to sorry it's so long but don't forget to vote and comment.
Love Midnightanna xxxx 🇰🇷💜

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