BSM your adopted

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Yoongi = age 6

You have lived in an orphanage or your life and yesterday you got adopted by the Min family.

They all love you but you haven't met the other brother yet they said that he works a lot and his in a band called BTS.

But your new mum says that he's going to visit you today.
You're very excited but very scared.

You hear someone come through the front door and you run down stairs in to hide behind your other brother you'll see a tall boy with colourful hair and with a nice gummy smile he looks at you and smiles at you.
"Hello little one you must be y/n" he says you get really shy and you still hide behind your other brother.

he kneeled down in front of you and puts his hand out "it's ok I'm not going to have you I'm yoongi your Big Brother I'm going to look after you today I'm going to get to know each other" he says that you take his hand and he grabs you into a big bear hug. You giggle because it feels like he's crushing you. "Stop I can't breathe" you say while giggling he lets go of you.

once that's finished takes you upstairs to his bedroom he suits you down to the bed because you're not tall enough yet to get on the bed on your own he asks you what's your favourite film and you say Finding Nemo.

He smiles at you and says "that's my favourite film too" you smile when you put a DVD in you reach up to him like you wanted a hug he laughs at you and sits down the bed next to you.

for the rest of the film you both of you cuddles you talked about life he knows about your past you know about him and his band BTS he cuddled you until the film was over which then you were fast asleep.

Yoongi's POV
I've just made my little sister down onto my bed she fell fast asleep after watching a film I'm very happy that my parents have decided to adopt a little girl because I love her she is adorable and she's perfect for our family I can't wait to show my boyfriends my little baby sister.

hope you enjoyed that I'm sorry about what happened I accidentally unpublished everything so I'd republished so sorry hope you enjoyed it thank you for reading.
Love Midnightanna xxxx 🇰🇷💜,

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